



1.While Sun, now Oracle, has pcensed the OpenJDK itself under the GPL, the pcensing of the TCK has been a problem for more than 5 years.当Sun,现在是Oracle,把OpenJDK置于GPL许可协议之下时,TCK的许可协议的问题已经悬着5年多了。

2.Other paths may not be as well-optimized by the "dot zero" version of OpenJDK 7, so there's opportunity to improve them.对于其他一些没有经过OpenJDK7“dotzero”版本优化的路径,invokedynamic的表现没有那么好,因此在这里还有提升的空间。

3.The decision to reach out to IBM as an OpenJDK partner was clearly a strategic one for Oracle.选择IBM成为OpenJDK合作伙伴明显是Oracle的战略决策。

4.Oracle has issued a first draft set of the bylaws that it hopes will guide the processes of the OpenJDK.近日,Oracle发布了首个用于指导OpenJDK开发过程的草案章程。

5.An upcoming vote will determine whether the new proposed OpenJDK roadmap is accepted by the JCP executive committee.即将到来的投票将决定新提议的OpenJDK路线图是否能被JCP执行委员会接受。

6.There's lots of smaller, less flashy changes in OpenJDK that also appear to help JRuby.在OpenJDK中还有很多小改进,它们不那么显眼,但对JRuby也很有帮助。

7.OpenJDK: Look into the source code of the math classes inside this open source Java SE implementation.OpenJDK:查看此开源JavaSE实现中math类的源代码。

8.This also needs a very large layer of extra runtime, basically the full JavaSE APIs adapted from OpenJDK sources.它需要依赖于一个巨大的额外的runtime层,来适配从OpenJDK源代码里来的完整JavaSEAPI。

9.He will accept and consider comments until March 3, after which he will submit it to OpenJDK Community members for ratification.接受建议的截至日期为3月3日,之后他会将其提交给OpenJDK社区成员进行审批。

10.As this depends on 10. 6, the OpenJDK package only supports Intel processors; PPC processors will not be supported.由于需要10.6版,因此OpenJDK包只支持Intel处理器,并不支持PPC处理器。