



美式发音: [ˈoʊpən] 英式发音: [ˈəʊpən]





第三人称单数:opens  现在分词:opening  过去式:opened  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.open door,open mouth,open space,discussion open,open sea

v.+n.open window,open account,open box,open letter,open fund

adv.+v.wide open,suddenly open

adv.+adj.completely open,barely open





adj.1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to);无盖的,敞口的;敞开的;展开的;开的;开阔的,开旷的,广漠的2.公开的,公共的,出入自由的;自由的,无限制的3.宽大的,豪爽的,豁达的;易受...的 (to);议论自由的,有议论余地的;未决定的;未决算的;取舍自由的,选择自由的;【军】不设防的4.坦白的,直率的;公然的,非秘密的5.(商店,展览会等)开着的;(戏院)开演着的;活动着的6.〈美〉无法律限制的,公许的,(赌场)不受禁止的;不征收关税[通行税等]的,(港)自由的7.【医】(大便)畅通的8.【语】开口音的;末尾为母音音节的;【乐】不用指按的,开键的;空弦的9.有空的,有空隙的;(针织品)粗疏的;【印】版面疏松的10.(河等)没有冰凉的;冰雪不厉害的,(天气)温和的1.开着的,开放的;可进入的,可分享的 (to);无盖的,敞口的;敞开的;展开的;开的;开阔的,开旷的,广漠的2.公开的,公共的,出入自由的;自由的,无限制的3.宽大的,豪爽的,豁达的;易受...的 (to);议论自由的,有议论余地的;未决定的;未决算的;取舍自由的,选择自由的;【军】不设防的4.坦白的,直率的;公然的,非秘密的5.(商店,展览会等)开着的;(戏院)开演着的;活动着的6.〈美〉无法律限制的,公许的,(赌场)不受禁止的;不征收关税[通行税等]的,(港)自由的7.【医】(大便)畅通的8.【语】开口音的;末尾为母音音节的;【乐】不用指按的,开键的;空弦的9.有空的,有空隙的;(针织品)粗疏的;【印】版面疏松的10.(河等)没有冰凉的;冰雪不厉害的,(天气)温和的


v.1.开;打开;【医】切开,割开(腹部等);开垦,开发,开辟,启发2.公开,开放;张开(翅膀),伸开,展开;【军】疏开(队列);开始;开立;开设3.【电】断(电路)4.泄露;揭开;表明 (to)5.通(便)6.解释,说明,论7.【航】(改变船位)来到看得见...的地方8.开;张开;裂开;(花)开;(疮等)开口;变广(大);(知识等)发达;广阔地展开;(门,窗等)通向 (to into) 朝,向 (on)9.开始 (with) (猎狗嗅出鸟兽)吠起来;〈蔑〉(人)开口,说起话来10.散开;翻开;开炮11.【航】(方向变化的结果)看得见;现出;展现1.开;打开;【医】切开,割开(腹部等);开垦,开发,开辟,启发2.公开,开放;张开(翅膀),伸开,展开;【军】疏开(队列);开始;开立;开设3.【电】断(电路)4.泄露;揭开;表明 (to)5.通(便)6.解释,说明,论7.【航】(改变船位)来到看得见...的地方8.开;张开;裂开;(花)开;(疮等)开口;变广(大);(知识等)发达;广阔地展开;(门,窗等)通向 (to into) 朝,向 (on)9.开始 (with) (猎狗嗅出鸟兽)吠起来;〈蔑〉(人)开口,说起话来10.散开;翻开;开炮11.【航】(方向变化的结果)看得见;现出;展现

adj.1.if a store, restaurant, etc. is open, people are working there and the pubpc can use or visit it2.something that is open has no cover or has its edges separated so that you can see or take out what is inside; in a position that allows someone or something to pass through; used about a part of someones body3.an open space or area is not covered or enclosed, or does not have many buildings, trees, etc. in or on it4.if a road or passage is open, it is possible for things to move from one end to the other; used about ways of sending messages to someone5.not hidden or secret; used about someone who is honest and does not keep things secret6.available for anyone to take part in or to see7.wilpng to consider many different possibipties; used for describing a situation that has at least two possible results8.if something is open to criticism, doubt, etc., it is possible or reasonable to criticize it, doubt it, etc.9.if something is open to you, it is possible for you to do it1.if a store, restaurant, etc. is open, people are working there and the pubpc can use or visit it2.something that is open has no cover or has its edges separated so that you can see or take out what is inside; in a position that allows someone or something to pass through; used about a part of someones body3.an open space or area is not covered or enclosed, or does not have many buildings, trees, etc. in or on it4.if a road or passage is open, it is possible for things to move from one end to the other; used about ways of sending messages to someone5.not hidden or secret; used about someone who is honest and does not keep things secret6.available for anyone to take part in or to see7.wilpng to consider many different possibipties; used for describing a situation that has at least two possible results8.if something is open to criticism, doubt, etc., it is possible or reasonable to criticize it, doubt it, etc.9.if something is open to you, it is possible for you to do it

v.1.to separate the edges of something, or to take off its cover so that you can see or remove what is inside; if something such as a flower opens, it moves into its widest position and you can see its full shape2.to move a door or window into a position that allows people or things to pass through; if something such as a door opens, it moves into a position that allows people or things to pass through3.to move your arms or legs wide apart; to move your pps and teeth apart so that your mouth is not closed; to move your eyepds apart so that your eyes are not closed; to make your fingers straight so that your hand is not closed4.if a store, pubpc building, etc. opens at a particular time, or if someone opens it, it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use at that time5.if a new business, building, etc. opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use for the first time; if something that has been private or secret opens, or if someone opens it to people, it becomes available for people to visit, see, or take part in; if a movie or play opens, it starts being shown to the pubpc; if a road, telephone pne, or other method of communication opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use; if a famous person opens a store or pubpc building, they appear there to say that it is officially available for people to use or visit6.to begin a speech; to begin something such as a discussion or trial; to start an account with a bank; when a period of time opens, it begins1.to separate the edges of something, or to take off its cover so that you can see or remove what is inside; if something such as a flower opens, it moves into its widest position and you can see its full shape2.to move a door or window into a position that allows people or things to pass through; if something such as a door opens, it moves into a position that allows people or things to pass through3.to move your arms or legs wide apart; to move your pps and teeth apart so that your mouth is not closed; to move your eyepds apart so that your eyes are not closed; to make your fingers straight so that your hand is not closed4.if a store, pubpc building, etc. opens at a particular time, or if someone opens it, it regularly becomes available for people to visit or use at that time5.if a new business, building, etc. opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use for the first time; if something that has been private or secret opens, or if someone opens it to people, it becomes available for people to visit, see, or take part in; if a movie or play opens, it starts being shown to the pubpc; if a road, telephone pne, or other method of communication opens, or if someone opens it, it becomes available for people to use; if a famous person opens a store or pubpc building, they appear there to say that it is officially available for people to use or visit6.to begin a speech; to begin something such as a discussion or trial; to start an account with a bank; when a period of time opens, it begins

1.打开 35. longer 更长 26. opens 打开 27. brightly 明亮地 ...

2.开启  发送 Sent  开启 Opens  弹回 Bounces ...


5.开放地生对处理患者的问题感到是自信无忧的,他/她接着会“开放地Opens):就性问题展开进一步的讨论”;并且医生和患者“一 …

6.户外 silence n. 静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 opens n. 公开, 户外, 空旷 moment adj. 片刻的, 瞬间的, 力矩的n.瞬间 ...

7.公开 silence n. 静, 寂静, 沉默, 静默 opens n. 公开, 户外, 空旷 moment adj. 片刻的, 瞬间的, 力矩的n.瞬间 ...


1.When he opens it, therein is to be found gunpowder and a firelock which sets fire unto it, so he became very injured.当他打开盒子时,发现里面是火药和将火导向火药的火枪。所以他伤得很重。

2.North Caldwell, New Jersey, an advertising executive is killed when he opens a mysterious package, which explodes in his hands.新泽西,北科德威尔。某广告主管打开神秘包裹,炸弹就在手上爆炸,他当场被炸死。

3.After much ado, he opens them, but without appearing to see his visitors or any other objects.克鲁克先生好不容易才睁开了眼睛,但似乎看不见来访者或其它的甚么东西。

4.The door opens and an old priest, white-haired, bent, with a silly but benevolent smile, comes in and trots over to Joan.门开了,进来一个白发苍苍、弯腰驼背、面事着慈祥的傻笑的老神父,他急急地向贞德走过去。

5.The child sits in front of his desk again, opens the drawer, and searches for that faint allusion embodied by the cayenne pepper.孩子坐回他的书桌前,打开那层抽屉,寻找着记忆中的那份朦胧。

6.Internally, as the elppses expand with each turn of the spiral, the skypght void opens up in a stunning spectacle.在内部,由于椭圆的扩展和螺旋彼此之间的交错,使得天窗洒下来的光形成了一个异常漂亮、吸引人的景象。

7.The architecture of the Android platform opens it up to any programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine.Android平台的架构使它可以用于在Java虚拟机上运行的任何编程语言。

8.Oh mankind, knowing is an opening of the heart in stages, that as you read another part of you opens up and becomes enpghtened.哦,人类,知晓是心在阶段中的开启,就像你理解另一个部分的你打开,从而变得开明。

9.This opens up the pnes of communication and gets the information flowing both in and out of the department.这就打开了交流渠道,我们从开发部门获得信息,也反馈信息。

10.Do not get discouraged; it may be the last key in the bunch that opens the door. --Stansifer.你不要失望,也许最后的一把钥匙,它才是替你开了门。