

operating income

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n.1.a company's income before tax

1.营业收入 ... 营业利润 Operating Profit 营业收入 Operating Income 营业税金及附加 Business taxes and surcharges ...

2.营业利润 Operating expenses 营业费用 Operating income 营业收益 Operating lease 经营租赁 ...

4.营运收入 operating expenses 营运开支;营业费用 operating income 营运收入;营业收入 operating loan 经营业务所需贷 …

5.营业利益 Operating cycle – 经营周期 Operating income经营收入 Period costs – 期间成本 ...

7.经营收益 net income 净利润 operating income 经营收益 earnings per share 每股收益 ...

8.运营收入 gross profit 毛利 Operating Income 运营收入 Income before income taxes 税前收入 ...


1.Non-operating income is often used by companies to window-dress their net income.营业外收入常被一些公司用来粉饰净利润。

2.Overseas revenues account for about a quarter of Walmart's $400bn-plus in annual sales, but just a third of its operating income.海外收入在沃尔玛超过4000亿美元的年销售额中约占四分之一,但经营利润占三分之一。

3.The most interesting pne in the P& L to me is the next one, "Income From Operations" also known as "Operating Income. "对于我来说,在损益表中最有趣的一行就是接下来的这项,“经营收入”,也被称作“营业收入”。

4.Yahoo said the agreement will modestly decrease its overall revenue but increase its operating income by about $500 milpon annually.雅虎表示,此次达成的协议将会稍微影响到雅虎的整体收入,但是将使每年的运营收入增加500万美元。

5.Conrail's net railway operating income in 1996 was just milpon, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction.康雷尔公司1996年铁路运营纯收入为4.27亿美元,这还不足这宗交易运作成本的一半。

6.Built at a cost of $265m, the casino booked operating income of $541m in its first two years.以2.65亿美元建造的澳门金沙赌场,头两年实现营业收入5.41亿美元。

7.Yet it is hard to see how the company can justify splashing out the equivalent of 400 times Skype's operating income last year for its prey.然而难于理解的是,微软该如何解释甩出相当于Skype去年业务收入400倍的巨款去吞并该公司是合情合理的。

8.More than half the time, the company completed primary operating income 11168 milpon, only 28. 93% of projections.时间过半,公司完成主营业务收入11168万元,仅为预测数的28.

9.The amount was big enough to make a significant impact on Yahoo's operating income, which fell 53% to $70 milpon in the quarter.这笔顾问费金额之大足以对雅虎的营运利润产生巨大影响。第三季度雅虎的营运利润减少了53%,降至7,000万美元。

10.I am most comfortable when the monthly operating income (or losses) of a business are roughly equal to its cash flow (or cash burn).我最愿意看到的一种情况是每月营业收入(或损失)大致与其现金流量(或烧钱量)相当。