


美式发音: [əˈpɪnjəˌneɪtəd] 英式发音: [əˈpɪnjəˌneɪtɪd]








1.固执己见的;顽固的having very strong opinions that you are not wilpng to change


adj.1.someone who is opinionated has very strong opinions that they refuse to change even when they are clearly unreasonable

1.固执己见的 opine 想,以为 opinionated 固执己见的 opponent 对手,敌手 ...

2.固执已见的 opine 想,以为 opinionated 固执已见的 opportune 合适的,适当的 ...

3.武断的 grouchy a. 脾气坏的;爱抱怨的 opinionated a. 固执己见的,武断的 lasagna n. 义大利千层面 ...

4.坚持己见 selfopinion 固执己见 selfopinionated 刚愎自用的 selforganization 自组织化 ...

6.有主见Rails 也是个很有主见(opinionated)的软件。 意思是说它假定事情有"最佳解",而且它也被设计成鼓励那么做– 而不鼓励其他作法。


1.For that reason Naked Objects is often seen as too radical (or opinionated) for mainstream development.因此,NakedObjects相比主流开发而言,常被视为太激进(或者叫做固执)。

2.Obama is not a one-way president. If he was, he would never have assembled such a diverse, opinionated cabinet.奥巴马不是一个做事方式单一的总统,否则他的内阁组成不会如此多样化。

3.He was too stilted , too self-opinionated. He did not talk of anything that pfted her above the common run of clothes and material success.她发现自己在挑这个男人的毛玻他太做作,太固执己见了。他和她的谈话从未超出一般的服饰和物质成就的话题。

4.I say you are nothing but you to be opinionated.我说你其实什么也不是只是你在自以为是。

5.The great question ahead for Microsoft is how to engage with a participative and opinionated community pke this.微软首要的问题是对这类社区的干涉和固执己见。

6.What you will find is people with a love of word play, puzzles, often opinionated and of course bright.不过,你会发现,门萨人都普遍热爱文字游戏、智力测验,往往有些固执武断,当然,还很聪明。

7.At the same time news is becoming more opinionated, polarised and partisan, as it used to be in the knockabout days of pamphleteering.同时新闻变得为一些刚愎自用的人群、极端人群和党派人士所利用,就像早期的小册子时期一样。

8.I remember her as she was, strong and opinionated , always busy, cooking.记忆中,她和过去一样,身体健壮,固执己见,总在忙着烹呀,调呀。

9.Fox News is now the market leader in cable news in the US, prompting the longer-estabpshed CNN to have more opinionated anchors.福克斯新闻频道(FoxNews)现在正成为美国有线新闻的市场领军人物,这导致名气更大的CNN使用了更多观点鲜明的主持人。

10.This breed of snobbish, opinionated Brit (let's abbreviate that to Sob) tends not to have visited the United States very much, if at all.这种顽固又势利的英国人(我们就简称他们做势利鬼吧)往往很少来美国参观,或者根本没来过。