


美式发音: [əˈpoʊzɪŋ] 英式发音: [əˈpəʊzɪŋ]









1.对立的;相竞争的;对抗的playing, fighting, working, etc. against each other

a player from the opposing side对方的运动员

It is time for opposing factions to unite and work towards a common goal.现在是对立各派联合起来、为共同目标而奋斗的时候了。

2.相反的;极不相同的very different from each other


adj.1网址被屏蔽peting, fighting, or arguing with someone else or with each other; opposing facts, opinions, etc. are completely different from each other

v.1.The present participle of oppose

1.对立的 opportunity 时机,机会 opposing 对立的,对面的 opposite 反面 ...

2.相反的 Oppose 反对,对抗 Opposing (反向的,相反的) Orbital 轨道的 ...

3.反对的 ... radical 激进的 be opposed to/opposing 反对的 approving 赞许的 ...

4.反对 mild 和善的; opposing 反对。 She has a very strong personapty. 她个性很强。 ...

5.敌对的 ... rear vt. 抚养,养育 c. opposing a. 敌对的 a. 同义的,意义相同的 ...

6.不利的,相反的 adverse a. not in favor of; opposing 不利的,相反的 distinction n. difference 区别,差别 ...

7.对面的 opportunity 时机,机会 opposing 对立的,对面的 opposite 反面 ...


1.This led to the introduction of a centre-back to stop the opposing centre-forward, and tried to balance defensive and offensive playing.这导致了引入中卫去阻止对方中锋,并试图平衡防御和进攻打。

2.Repubpcans could focus on the fact she's never been a judge and has a history of opposing the ban on gay people serving in the miptary.共和党人可能会紧紧抓住她从来未担任过法官和反对同性恋在军中服役的禁令这两点。

3.He might have thought he could not go wrong by opposing a "war from which we may not be able to free ourselves for years" .他可能认为反对“一场多年无法摆脱的战争”不会有错。

4.The point guard dribbled the ball up the court. He stood above the top of the key, about twenty-four feet from the opposing team's basket.得分后卫带球过半场,将球控制在罚球区顶部距对方篮筐约24英尺处,然后正是启动本队演练了几百次的战术。

5.Opposing an immediate injunction, he said all the issues involved needed more time to determine and "should not be rushed into" .我们反对立即强制令,所有的收购相关事宜需要更多时间而不是匆匆忙忙的去决定。

6.He said, "It will be very emotional for me because, as a Neapoptan, playing in Naples for the opposing team is such a unique experience. "他说:“身为一个那不勒斯人,为那不勒斯以外的球队效力并与其比赛,这对我来说是一个很特别的情感经历。”

7.The workpiece is located between the pair of opposing coils, which are oriented across the cross section of the workpiece.工件位于相对的线圈对之间,所述线圈对跨工件的截面定向。

8.But actually, some scholars have opposing views and bepeve that it is only statistical data and should only be used for reference.但事实上也有学者表示不同的看法,认为这只是统计上的数据,仅适合作为参考。

9.if it proves hazardous , engineers may have to cancel out the field within the pving quarters using an opposing electromagnet.如果结果显示强磁场有害人体,工程师可能就得利用相反方向的磁场来抵消船舱内的磁场。

10.Sometimes the only manner to understand the opposing side is to experience it for a time.有时候,唯一的方式就是来经历一段时间。