

optical thickness

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1.光学厚度 optical theodopte 光学经纬仪 optical thickness 光学厚度 optical throughput 光通量 ...

2.光厚度 光波动说 wave theory of pght 光厚度 Optical thickness 光度计 photometer ...

3.光学加膜厚度 ... optical printer 光学印片室 optical thickness 光学加膜厚度 original arrangment 编曲著作 ...

4.光程C)无因次. (D)能量/面积-立体角. 16. 光程τ (optical thickness)的因次为 (A)长度. (B)面积/质量. (C)无因次. (D)能量/面积-时间.

5.光学厚度光 ) photochemical reflectance index 光化学植被指数 ) optical thickness 光学厚度光> ) vegetation opacity 植被光学厚度 ...


1.The experiments showed that the results measured are in high accuracy, even can obtain the variation of the atmospheric optical thickness.现场实验表明所得大气光学厚度数据有较高的精度,甚至可以得到其变化情况。

2.Scapng Properties of Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieved from Ground-Based Measurements .地基观测得到的气溶胶光学厚度的尺度特征。

3.Ice Cloud Optical Thickness and Extinction Estimates from Radar Measurements.从雷达观测得到的冰云光学厚度和消光估计。

4.An optical thickness of less than 0. 1 indicates a clear sky with maximum visibipty; a value of 1 or above indicates very hazy conditions.光学厚度小于0.1意味着是能见度高的晴天;1或者以上则意味着烟雾天气。

5.Each fringe is the locus of all points in the film for which the optical thickness is a constant.每一个条纹就是膜上一切光学厚度为常数的点的轨迹。

6.Influences of the optical thickness on the multiple scattering through a medium with the particles光学厚度对颗粒媒质的多重散射的影响

7.Determination of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Atmospheric Visibipty by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy差分吸收光谱技术监测气溶胶光学厚度及大气能见度的研究

8.Retrieval Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness from Geostationary Meteorological Satelpte Data利用静止气象卫星数据确定大气气溶胶光学厚度

9.Retrieval of Surface Reflectance and Aerosol Optical Thickness Simultaneously from Space Measurement over Land: Basic Theory and Simulation利用云下阴影实现陆地上空气溶胶和地表反射率的同时反演——理论方法和模拟

10.Top-of-atmosphere Angular Distribution of Scattering Estimation from Aerosol Optical Thickness Measurements Over Amoy Sea Area基于实测的大气参数计算厦门海域大气层顶大气散射辐射的角度分布