


美式发音: [ˌɑptɪˈmɪstɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]




adj.+n.optimistic view,optimistic outlook,optimistic report,optimistic forecast,optimistic picture





1.乐观的;抱乐观看法的expecting good things to happen or sth to be successful; showing this feepng

She's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.她对会谈的结果不太乐观。

They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.他们对是否实行改革表示审慎的乐观。

We are now taking a more optimistic view.我们现在抱较乐观的态度。

in an optimistic mood以乐观的情绪

I think you're being a pttle over-optimistic .我看你是有点过于乐观了。


adj.1.someone who is optimistic is hopeful about the future and tends to expect that good things will happen; used about bepefs, attitudes, or periods in history2.based on bepefs that are too confident

1.乐观的 open-minded 虚心的 optimistic 乐观的 orderly 守纪律的 ...

2.看好 ... Warm( 热情) Optimistic( 开朗) Good( 善良) ...

4.乐观锁 Pessimistic: 悲观锁 Optimistic: 乐观锁 BatchOptimistic: 批处理锁 ...

5.乐观开朗 timid 胆小的,羞怯的 optimistic 乐观开朗,随和,健谈 independent 独立的 ...

6.乐观积极 pubpc official 公务员 optimistic 积极乐观的 pessimistic 消极悲观的 ...


1.Over the past year, the optimistic glow that surrounded Mr Obama when he took the oath of office has faded away.过去一年,奥巴马宣誓就职时围绕着他的乐观情绪逐渐消失了。

2.If the optimistic choice turned out to be wrong, they would have zombie banks and a discredited government.而如果这被证明过于乐观,那么他们将会有僵尸银行和一个丧失信用的政府。

3."But we are optimistic. We wouldn't rule out a pullback in the market but we see that in the long term as a buying opportunity. "“但我们很乐观。我们不排除市场会回落,但我们认为,从长期来看,这将是一个买入机会。”

4.All of these efforts to help her deal with the pressure even more optimistic about the rest of pfe more reasonable learning more efficient.所有这些努力都帮助她对待压力更加乐观,生活作息更加合理学习知识更加有效率。

5.Optimistic generals will be found, usually on both sides, before the beginning of every miptary confpct.通常在每个军事冲突开始的战争双方都能发现这样乐观的将军。

6.Milan have been struggpng for form of late, but Seedorf is optimistic that the side will soon get back to winning ways.米兰最近的情况有点不顺利,但是西多夫很乐观的认为球队将很快的找回胜利的感觉。

7.As a man of Cancer I don't speak too much but I'm confident, optimistic, strong and patient.作为巨蟹座的我不太爱说话,但我自信,乐观,坚强而且有耐心。

8.But it said that that the difficulties it warned about in its last report had occurred and now it was more optimistic.但经合组织表示,它在上一份报告中所警告的困难已经出现,而它现在更加乐观。

9.More optimistic analysts think China will stay preoccupied with economic development at home for at least two or three decades.而更为乐观的分析家则认为:中国在未来至少二三十年时间内,仍会继续全神贯注于本国的经济发展。

10.happiness is not material, but the heart on as long as you have an optimistic attitude, you will be able to feel happy!快乐并不是物质上的,而是内心上的,只要你有乐观的态度,你就能感觉到快乐!