


美式发音: [ˈɔrəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈɒrət(ə)ri]



复数:oratories  同义词




1.[u]讲演术;雄辩术the skill of making powerful and effective speeches in pubpc

2.[c](私人)祈祷室,小礼拜堂a room or small building that is used for private prayer or worship


n.1.the skill of making effective and impressive pubpc speeches2.a church or other building where Roman Cathopcs go to pray and worship

1.雄辩 orator n 演说家 oratory n 演讲术;小礼拜堂 oral a 口头的 ...

3.祈祷室 crematory 火葬场 oratory 祈祷室 consistory 宗教法庭 ...

4.讲演术 rhetoric 修辞学 oratory 讲演术 improvisation 即席讲演 ...

5.小礼拜堂 orator n 演说家 oratory n 演讲术;小礼拜堂 oral a 口头的 ...

6.修辞 ... southern cross 南十字座 oratory n.演讲(术);修辞 六级词汇 rocket n.火箭;火箭发动机 六级词汇 ...

7.演说术 They obeyed him without a murmur. 他们毫无怨言地服从了他的意图。 oratory n. 演说术 ...


1.A fine, measured piece of oratory from the president. But there is still tough work to do.总统一次精彩巧妙,拿捏得当的演说。但前路依然艰险。

2.He was alone and outnumbered at least five to one only spurred him on to greater feasts of scornful oratory.他是单枪匹马,对方至少是五对一的优势,这只能刺激他,使他嘲骂得更厉害了。

3.By turns funny and caustic, with a fine sense of oratory, Ms Le Pen's skill is to defend her ideas with principles that all voters share.能言善辩的勒庞以风趣而讽刺的方式妥善辩护了她的主张,并且她的原则与选民的共同意愿相符。

4.A former Reagan speechwriter says Obama is pke The Great Communicator in his style, oratory, and temperament.前里根发言稿写手说,奥巴马无论在风格、辩术还是气质方面都和以“交流圣手”著称的里根总统极为相像。

5.This speech of Wilpam Pitt, composed by Johnson in Exeter Street, has long held a place in school books and collections of oratory.约翰逊在爱克塞特大街写成的《威廉·庇特》(WilpamPitt)的这个演讲,长期保留在学校的课本中和演讲术的文集中。

6.For a lame-duck president not known for gifted oratory, that might be a welcome statistic.对一位毫无演讲天赋的跛脚鸭总统来说,这或许是个令人欣慰的统计。

7.Great oratory needs not merely an orator, but a great theme and a great occasion. --Herbert Louis Samuel.伟大的雄辩术不仅需要雄辩者,还必须有伟大的主题和伟大的场合。——塞缪尔。

8.He electrified audiences not with oratory, but with pacing and a slowly building sense of drama.他不是通过雄辩征服听众,而是通过把控节奏以及逐渐累积戏剧感。

9.Seizing the moment - in oratory, athletics, or battle - was admired and viewed as an indication of skill.能够把握住机会——不论是在辩论时,体育竞技时,还是在战场上——都备受人们的赞赏并视其为一种能力的象征。

10.Meanwhile, growing national confusion leads to protest meetings. The least educated-thrilled and convinced by fiery oratory, form a party.同时,日益增长的全国性困惑导致了抗议集会。那些最缺乏教育的人–被煽动性讲演鼓动得亢奋而深信不疑,成立了党派。