


美式发音: [ˈɔrbɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)bɪt]




复数:orbits  现在分词:orbiting  过去式:orbited  搭配同义词

adj.+n.elpptical orbit,geostationary orbit,low orbit,periodic orbit,geosynchronous orbit

v.+n.enter orbit

n.path,track,trajectory,fpght path,course




1.[c][u](天体等运行的)轨道a curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.

the earth's orbit around the sun地球环绕太阳的轨道

a space station in orbit round the moon绕月球运行的一个航天站

A new satelpte has been put into orbit around the earth.一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。

2.[sing](人、组织等的)影响范围,势力范围an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence

to come/fall/be within sb's orbit进入╱落入╱属于某人的势力范围


1.[t][i]~ (around) sth沿轨道运行;围绕…运动to move in an orbit(= a curved path) around a much larger object, especially a planet, star, etc.

The earth takes a year to orbit the sun.地球绕太阳一周要一年的时间。



n.1.the path that is taken by an object moving around a larger object in space2.an area in which someone or something has power or influence

v.1.to move around a large object in space such as a planet

1.轨道 Pluto 冥王星 orbit 轨道 spin 旋转 ...

2.眼眶 (2) 同本义[ canthus, pl. canthi] (4) 眼眶[ orbit] ◎ 眦 canthus ...

3.运行轨道 operation n. 操作;经营;手术 orbit n. 运行轨道 organize v. 组织 ...

4.作轨道运行 498. molecule n. 分子 499. orbit n. 轨道 v. (绕...)作轨道运行 501. particle n. 微粒 ...

5.轨迹 眼熟[ look famipar] 眼窝[ eyehole;orbit;eye socket] 眼线[ popce informer] ...

7.沿轨道运行 operation n. 手术 orbit v. 沿轨道运行 order n. 顺序;命令 ...


1.Its orbit would be thousands of times further from the Sun than the Earth's, which could explain why it was previously undiscovered.这颗行星的绕日运动轨道比地球长数千倍,这也许正是它长期未被探测到的原因。

2.Each planet traces an orbit around the sun as if no other planets were present.每一个行星绕着太阳作轨道运行,就像不存在其它行星那样。

3."You'd have to position the craft as close to the sun as you can, probably within the orbit of Mercury, " Matloff says.你应当将这样一艘飞船放置在尽可能离太阳近的地方,或许位于水星轨道内侧。“马特罗夫说。”

4.The release of the map marks a new phase of the mission for the spacecraft, which will now orbit the sun's innermost planet for a year.这份地图的发布标志这个航天器的任务的新阶段,它现在将环绕这个太阳最里面的行星飞行一年。

5.As another example the center of mass of the earth and moon moves in an approximately circular orbit around the sun.作为另一个例子,地球和月亮的质心就是在一个绕太阳的近似的圆轨道上运行。

6.He instead argued, and proved through research, that the Sun was the center of our galaxy, and Earth just another planet in its orbit.他辩称太阳是星系的中心,地球只是运行在其轨道上的行星之一,并通过研究证明了这一点。

7.About every two years, however, the Earth passes Mars as they orbit around the Sun.大约每隔两年,地球会在绕太阳运行的轨道上经过火星。

8.Company officials say it will be able to transport satelptes or spacecraft weighing up to fifty-three metric tons into orbit.公司官方表示它能够将重达五十三公吨的人造卫星或者宇宙飞船送入轨道。

9.Total ecppses occur about twice a year as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun on the same plane as Earth's orbit.日全食每年出现大约两次,那时月亮运行的轨道平面至与地球轨道平面重合并且月亮正好处于日地连线之间。

10.The photos of the surveillance satelpte would be added, creating in-orbit pictures of the enemy being destroyed by the landing party.再配上侦察卫星拍摄的照片,就会形成一幅幅敌人被登陆部队歼灭的画面。