



美式发音: [ɔrb] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)b]




复数:orbs  同义词





n.1.an object that has a perfectly round shape; the sun or the moon2.a small gold ball with a cross on top that a king or queen carries as part of a ceremony

1.容许度推进相位的作用是如钚开阅呢?则不能不了解相位度数的容许度(orbs), 即星辰推进的 星座和本命星圏中屋皆的暴座之间钓 …

2.球体想专题游戏的菜单,比如魔法道具(MAGICAL)、魔法球ORBS)、远程攻击武器(RANCED)、盾牌(SHIELDS)、武 …

4.灵球体.灵球体似乎是依照著自己的律动移动, 被看见或被拍摄到 …

5.Open Relay Blocking System ... 模板-纹理 Texture 模板-天体 Orbs 模板-键盘 keypad ...

7.灵量球灵量球orbs)Orbs通常是浅白的圆点,也有机会是其它颜色,可以一个或大量地出现,用数码相机会较易捕捉到。比较常见 …


1.You fool. The power of the Orbs allows me to survive. Enough to escape you and join my Chaos horde, already gathering close to this castle.你真愚蠢。魔法球的力量可以让我活下来。这个能量足以让我逃走并加入我们的军队。我们的部队已经集结在城堡的附近了。

2.Since the introduction of digital photography, strange orbs of pght, usually invisible to the human eye, have appeared on photographs.自从数码摄影问世以来,照片上开始出现奇怪的光点,人的肉眼通常不易察觉。

3.Match orbs and tackle hidden symbol and tile matching mini games as you travel across Egypt on the road to adventure.在你穿越埃及,踏上冒险征程时,你要消除水晶球,解决隐藏的符号,体验匹配方块的迷你游戏。

4.The next generation yielded yellow orbs with a misty horizon, the next, sharpened waves with a horizon of blue.其后代收获的是与朦胧的地平线相伴的黄色球体,接下来,伴随着蓝色地平线出现了轮廓清晰的浪潮。

5.There is no petty monsters to kill for orbs and your gonna need health before you kill one of the Ancients who might not even drop an orb.这周围可没有一些小笨蛋能让你砍掉找回血球用,更何况也没有保证你杀死的远古野蛮人肯定会掉落一个回复球。

6.After another set of orbs, the helm of the Serpent will break off with a Red color.另一套的球体后,蛇的掌舵人将断绝与红色。

7.These cool orbs are nearly impossible to see in visible pght, but stand out when viewed in infrared.这些天体通过可见光是无法看到的,不过通过红外线能看到。

8.An example would be lowering the number of Frozen Orbs (or the equivalent) necessary to craft a weapon by your guild blacksmith.例如你的公会铁匠要制造一件武器,所需要的材料--冰冻宝珠(FrozenOrbs)(或等值物品)价格将会有所降低。

9.These pttle orbs contain a certain sequence of amino acids that makes egg protein easy for your body to absorb.这些小球球里面含有一定量的氨基酸,这可以使鸡蛋的蛋白质很容易被身体吸收。

10.In one photo, several orbs were clustered around the table where Tony had been sitting.有一张照片显示一些“魔法球”聚集在托尼之前坐的桌子上。