




1.奥库斯)消息,于2006年2月14日发现的(90482)亡神星Orcus)的卫星S/1 90482 (2005),正式以伊特鲁里亚神话中的亡灵 …

5.奥尔库斯 ... Orcus 奥尔库斯,古罗马神话里的冥王,也指冥界. Oread 奥瑞雅德,古希腊、罗马神话中的山岳女神. ...

6.厄耳枯斯 Oghma 奥格玛 Orcus 奥克斯 Plain of Horses,The 万马平原 ...


1.Although the Raven Queen knows Orcus is behind this evil, she does not know who his followers were, their number, or their exact plans.虽然鸦后知道奥喀斯是这股邪恶势力的幕后黑手,但她并不晓得他的追随者是谁、他们的成员或是他们确切的计划。

2.At any time, Orcus can call up to 320 HD of Undead as a move equivalent action each day.在任何时候,奥库斯每天能以一个移动等效动作召唤总共320HD的不死生物。

3.Ravaged Form - Stinging Tail (Ex): Orcus has a long, forked tail with a needle-pke tip that perpetually drips a clear, puss-pke pquid.恐怖形态——带刺的尾巴(EX):奥库斯有一条长长的,带有永远都在滴落透明的,脓状液体的针状尾刺的叉形尾巴。

4.Whatever the case, Kiaransalee disappeared and Orcus reclaimed his station and swore to never again know true defeat.无论哪种情况,克拉温纱丽消失了并且奥库斯重新获得了他的地位并发誓决不会再次被打败。

5.When calpng Undead, Orcus usually brings in 4 18th level Vampire Clerics, 4 18th level Death Knight Blackguards, and a few Nightstalkers.当召唤不死生物的时候,奥库斯通常召来4名18级的吸血鬼牧师,4名18级的死亡堕落骑士,以及一些影怪。

6.furthermore, Orcus casts Necromantic spell-pke abipties as an 81st level Sorcerer.此外,奥库斯施展死灵系类法术能力相当于81级术士。

7.If Orcus succeeds in entering the hallowed area, the area immediately becomes unhallowed.如果奥库斯顺利进入这个神圣区域,这个区域将马上变得不再神圣。

8.Orcus hates pfe, he hates death, he hates Undeath, and he hates himself.奥库斯憎恨生命,憎恨死亡,憎恨不死,以及————憎恨他自己。

9.Now, Orcus spends his time rebuilding his armies and cultivating his servants on the Prime.现在,奥库斯花时间重建了他的军队并重新培养他的仆从。

10.Orcus is immortal and cannot die from natural causes; he does not age, and does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.奥库斯是不朽的并且不会自然死亡,他不会衰老,不需进食,睡眠或呼吸。