




1.有机肉类内没有抗生素,激素以及未经化学品污染,是不折不扣的有机肉类organic meat),此足裨益人类的健康。

2.有机猪肉 ... ) organic 有机 ) organic meat 有机猪肉 ) organic-organic phase 有机相-有机相 ...


1.and deep-frozen vegetables can score worse (in terms of environmental burden) than organic meat from a local source.长途运送的冰冻蔬菜者在环境负担上,比当地有机肉类还糟。

2.Buy organic meat whenever possible to avoid the steroids, hormones and anti-biotics that are in factory farmed meat.只要有可能就购买有机肉类,以避免类固醇、荷尔蒙和抗生素这些很容易存在于工厂化农场肉类中的有害物质。

3.Mr. Gagnon says the figures are higher for organic meat and poultry, which have experienced a 30 percent increase in sales.格兰先生还提到,有机食品在销售额上曾达到过30%的增长,该数据相对有机肉类和家禽的销售增长率较高。

4.Organic meat and dairy products usually cost more than other products.有机肉类以及奶制产品通常要比其他产品贵很多。

5.Non-vegetarians can buy organic meat pke organic chicken and organic beef.非素食者也可以购买有机的鸡肉和牛肉等有机肉类。

6.It is also packing all organic meat with food certificates verifying a pollution-free organic product.沃尔玛还会把全部的有机肉类贴上食品证明,以证明是无污染的有机产品。

7.After watching the movie, we decided that we would only consume organic meat and milk in the future.我们看了这部片子之后决定,将来只买有机肉和有机奶。

8.Research developments of organic meat有机肉类研究动态

9.The Production Condition of Organic Meat有机猪肉生产应具备的条件