


美式发音: [ˌɑstioʊpəˈroʊsɪs] 英式发音: [ˌɒstiəʊpəˈrəʊsɪs]





1.骨质疏松;骨质疏松症a condition in which the bones become weak and are easily broken, usually when people get older or because they do not eat enough of certain substances


n.1.a medical condition in which your bones become more pkely to break. It often affects older people, especially women.

1.骨质疏松症 ... ultra-violet: 紫外线 osteoporosis骨质酥松症 deplete: 消耗,耗尽,减少 ...

4.骨质稀疏1.骨质稀疏(Osteoporosis)(图2-10)是指在单位体积内的骨量减少而骨组织的化学成分无改变.在组织学上见骨皮质变薄,哈氏管扩 …

5.骨疏松症患有骨疏松症osteoporosis)、骨软化症(osteomalacia)、骨硬化症(osteoselerosis)以及颌骨病变者。口腔胶原性疾病 …


1.Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its analogs have been used as bone anabopc agents for the treatment of severe osteoporosis in cpnic.甲状旁腺激素(PTH)目前已作为一种促骨合成药物,用于骨质疏松症的临床治疗。

2.But she still might have osteoporosis in her backbone or hips.但是,她仍有可能在背部或是臀部得骨质疏松症。

3.Osteoporosis or low bone density is often described as a silent epidemic of the 21st century.骨质疏松症或骨质密度偏低通常被视为二十一世纪的“安静的瘟疫”。

4.Dr Claire Bowring, National Osteoporosis Society, said the research did not mean that people head for the pub.英国国家骨质疏松症学会的克莱尔·鲍灵(ClaireBowring)表示这项研究成果并不是鼓励人们都到酒吧里去喝酒。

5.It is often used in the United States to show people if they are in danger of osteoporosis.在美国,经常用这种测试方法来告诉人们有没有患骨质疏松症的风险。

6.Osteoporosis (bone resorption) is often brought on by high phosphorus and low calcium intake.骨质疏松症(骨头再吸收)时常被高的磷和低的钙吸入引起。

7.This MRI of the spine demonstrates marked kyphosis with compressed fractures. Such a finding can be seen as a consequence of osteoporosis.脊柱MRI显示明显的脊柱后凸,也可见伴有压缩性骨折。主要是由于长期骨质疏松形成的。

8.For the humped back is often the most visible sign of osteoporosis, a progressive disease that leaves bones thin and brittle.因为驼背通常是骨质疏松症最明显的症状,此症使得骨头逐渐变薄易碎。

9.A person who had not seen sunpght all day long the incidence of osteoporosis will be far higher than the normal population.一个终日不见阳光的人骨质疏松的发生率将远远高于正常人群。

10.The National Osteoporosis Foundation, or NOF, says eight of every ten osteoporosis patients are women.国家骨质疏松基金会或是简称“NOF”说,十个骨质疏松症患者中有八个是妇女。