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网络释义:场外赛马赌博(Off Track Betting);海外信托银行(Overseas Trust Bank)


abbr.1.off-track betting

1.场外赛马赌博(Off Track Betting)学到的会计知识。其后,海外信托银行(OTB)招请会计部主管,陈顺利获聘,一日他在彩虹后楼梯埋首苦读,却获父亲告知 …


1.Use OTB to create instances of your project's objects, invoke methods, and evaluate the results.使用OTB可以创建项目的对象实例、调用方法和计算结果。

2.The state comptroller's recent OTB audit observed that the horse industry is too important to the state to fail.州审计局最近对外围投注的听证会显示赛马业对纽约州是否破产关系重大。

3.But no matter, cos the excited of being with those experts, I still tried to get 6 more OTB and let them be white mice.不过没关系,能和这些专家一起工作使我很激动,我仍然设法搞到了6个OTB来做小白鼠。

4.He bepeves that it can be saved by overhaupng the outfit's business model and upgrading its technology.他相信通过调整登记站的业务模式和技术升级,OTB完全可以避免破产。

5.Joint credit card ManuCard launched with OTB Card Company, a subsidiary of the Dao Heng Bank Group.与道亨银行集团旗下的海外信用卡有限公司联合推出宏利信用卡。

6.DESPITE its offputtingly seedy appearance, the Off-Track Betting (OTB) parlour in Queens was packed.尽管外表肮脏不堪,场外投注公司(OTB)在皇后区的投注站里还是人满为患。

7.As a result, the OTB was left with an operating deficit of $17. 8m for 2008.这种收益分配模式的结果就是,OTB在2008年留下了1,780万美元的经营赤字。

8.OTB Building Car Park Shroff Office湾仔海外信托大厦停车场

9.OTB - On The Button在按钮位上