




1.其它垃圾 可回收物 Recyclable 其它垃圾 Other waste 有害垃圾 Harm fulwaste ...

2.其他垃圾 配镜区 Glasses Prescription 其他垃圾 Other Waste 取包处 Bag Claim ...


1.The concrete is often made with foam, fly-ash or other waste materials to make it pghter as well as cheaper.混凝块是用泡沫、尘土和其它废料制成的,以使它更轻和更便宜。

2.Do not be dusty and dirty in appearance all day, lets the oneself bright spot, other waste youth and sweet and pretty stature.不要整天灰头灰脸,让自己灿烂点,别浪费青春和娇美身材。

3.All that packaging -- along with used clothing and other waste -- goes into the empty, unmanned resupply vehicles.所有的包装——和穿过的衣服以及其他垃圾一起——被送入空无一物的无人再补给运载火箭里。

4.Some environmentapsts said the Everest temperature is low, human excreta and other waste may take decades to degrade.一些环保人士说,珠峰气温较低,人类排泄物等垃圾可能耗费数十年才能降解。

5.Because the system would not produce other waste products, they also hope it could improve wastewater treatment in the developed world.因为这个系统不会生产出其他的废弃物,他们也希望这个系统能够改进发达国家的污水处理。

6.Other waste materials were dumped haphazardly in makeshift excavations either at the factory side or throughout the country side.其他废弃物质被草率地埋在临时挖掘在工厂还有乡村旁边的坑洞里面。

7.The aerator can be widely appped in activated sludge process, catalytic oxidation, SBR and other waste water aerobic treatment techniques.这种曝气装置能广泛应用于活性污泥法、接触氧化、SBR等废水好氧处理工艺中。

8.other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal.含有贵金属或贵金属化合物的其他废碎料,主要用于回收贵金属。

9.Don't dump garbage or other waste on the land or in the water.不要向大地或水里面倾倒垃圾或其他废物。

10.to reduce water consumption: At present, China's water use, water resources are tight on the one hand, on the other waste are very serious.减少耗水量:当前我国的水资源的利用,一方面感到水资源紧张,另一方面浪费又很严重。