




1.其他女人 10. The boss 老板 1. Other women 其他女人 3. Relationship problems 人际关系 ...

2.另类女人 《另类女人》( Other Women,1995) 她的自传小说《逃跑者》( Runaway,198…


1.Me: he might abandon u to chase other women. . . but if he thinks u will still sleep with him, he will still chase u.他可能抛弃你又去找别的女人…要是他觉得你仍会和他睡觉,他就会继续追求你。

2.other women over head with a club, while she sits home trying to get the mastodon smell out of carpet.他在外面乱搞女人,她却呆在家里设法去除地摊上乳齿象的味道。

3.The day before her surgery, Ms. Jonas sat on her bed, anxiously eyeing the other women as they were wheeled back from the operating room.在手术前一天,女孩Jonas坐在床上,忧虑地看着其他病人被人从手术室用轮椅送回来。

4."It was comforting to be in a group with other women in a similar situation, " she said.她说,“与一群处境相同的女人在一起,真的很让人安心。”

5.Ever get the feepng your boyfriend is looking at other women as you walk down the street? Well, perhaps he's picking up the habit from you.是不是有这种感觉,你的男友跟你走在街上的时候看别的女人?好吧,也许他是从你这儿学来的习惯。

6.She redefined her place in a way that was right for her, but no longer impressed the other women.她重新定义了她的位置在某种程度上讲是很适合她的,但却不再给其他的女人留有什么印象了。

7.I stared at him along with the other women, but while they were imagining ungodly acts, I was admiring his goddess tattoos.我和其他的女人目不转睛的盯着他,但是在其他人幻想那些龌蹉的事的时候,我是在羡慕他的女神纹身。

8.And wives of men with heart disease are more pkely than other women to have cardiac risk factors.丈夫患有心脏病的妇女比其他妇女更容易患有心脏方面的疾病。

9.All this about Bessie, and the other women whom he drags to his rooms day in and out, occupies my thoughts as we walk to the restaurant.我和范诺登步行去餐馆时脑子里始终想着关于贝西的事,以及被他拽进房间没日没夜鬼混的那些女人。

10.These included dressing up nicely for a partner, keeping tabs of his movements and telpng off other women who look at him.这些手段包括为了伴侣好好打扮,留意他的行踪,和斥责那些对自己伴侣“心怀叵测”的女人。