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第三人称单数:ousts  现在分词:ousting  过去式:ousted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.oust rival


v.throw out,expel,get rid of,drive out,exile


v.1.逐出,撵走,驱逐 (from; of)2.【法】(非法)剥夺,夺取,夺去3.代替,取代

v.1.to remove someone from a position of power, especially in order to take that position

1.被驱逐的 membership 成员资格, ousted 被驱逐的, coup 政变, ...

2.在敌方政权确实被驱逐 ... to convert vt. 使转变;翻译 ousted vt. 驱逐;剥夺 musings n. 沉思;冥思 ...


6.取代的 ... condemn 谴责 ousted 取代的 exile 放逐 ...


1.WikiLeaks said in a Twitter message it had been 'ousted' by the Seattle onpne retailer, which also sells Web services and onpne storage.维基解密在一条Twitter讯息中说,自己遭到亚马逊的“抛弃”。亚马逊是位于美国西雅图的在线零售商,同时还提供网络服务和联机存储。

2.He was the fourth Danish soldier to die in Iraq since the U. S. -led invasion ousted Saddam Hussein's regime more than three years ago.这是美军三年前侵入伊拉克赶走萨达姆政权以来在伊拉克丧生的第四个丹麦士兵。

3.Look at how much disillusionment there is next door in Egypt today, eight months after Hosni Mubarak was ousted.看看胡斯尼·穆巴拉克被驱逐8个月后的今天,邻国埃及的幻灭多么严重。

4.Five months after taking over the top spot from ousted chief Mark Hurd, new CEO Leo Apotheker spelled out his plan to transform HP.自从接替被罢免的CEOMarkHurd以来5个月中,新任CEOLeoApotheker发布了他整治HP公司的计划。

5.For a moment on Saturday afternoon, it seemed as though Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had been ousted in a miptary coup.在1月29日下午的这个时刻,埃及总统穆巴拉克似乎被军事政变所驱逐的趋势。

6.His refusal to go quietly since the army ousted him in 2006 has helped to push Thailand to the brink.自从军方在2006年赶他下台而将泰国推向动乱边缘后,他在国外一直不肯善罢罢休。

7.Just a week ago it would have been unthinkable to suggest that Muammar Qaddafi could be ousted from power.就在一周前,如果有人说穆阿玛尔•卡扎菲可能被赶下台,恐怕还会被人斥为痴人说梦。

8.How bitter, black and tragical that would be: the man who was nearly president ousted by the ingrates of his own party and state.一个曾几乎要当总统的人被他自己的党和国家的忘恩负义者罢黜,这将是多么苦闷,黑暗和悲哀。

9.Less than a week after the violent demonstrations, Haiti's prime minister was ousted in a vote of no confidence.在暴动后不到一周,海地的总理因不信任案而下台。

10.Out in the cold: After being ousted from the company he founded in 1985, Jobs went on to start another computer firm, NeXT.冷峻地出走:1985年,乔布斯被他亲手创办的公司扫地出门,之后他开了另一家电脑公司,NeXT。