


美式发音: [aʊtˈlæst] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈlɑːst]



第三人称单数:outlasts  现在分词:outlasting  过去式:outlasted  同义词

v.outpve,survive,endure,carry on



1.~ sb/sth比…持续时间长to continue to exist or take part in an activity for a longer time than sb/sth

He can outlast anyone on the dance floor.在舞场上,他比谁都能跳。


v.1.to last longer, or to continue to be successful for longer, than someone or something else

1.空调纤维 outpve: 比…活的长 outlast: 比…持久 outfly: 飞的比…快 ...

3.比…长久 suspended 悬浮的 outlast 比…长久 palette 调色板 ...

4.封面女郎的全天恒效唇彩 Pathetic( 差劲) Outlast( 较持久) Bossy( 专横) ...

6.欧丽(Naris) |欧珀莱 |欧树 (Nuxe) |欧丽outlast) |倩碧 |清妃 |容园美 |丝塔芙 |水果诱惑 |水之印 (AquaLABEL) |闪露 |舒医 |思亲...

7.经久耐用 ... outlandish, 古怪,5323 outlast, 经久耐用,6147 outlaw, 取缔,3447 ...


1.Ah no, my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the pe it tells will outlast it a milpon years.唉,错哉,听众们,纪念碑是用坚硬材料建造的,而它所晓示的谎言却将比它持久百万年。

2.The old man is still in excellent health; so it's possible that he will outlast his wife.那位老人身体还十分结实,看来他可能比他妻子在世的时间要长。

3.Our razor sharp plastic punches are self-sharpening and are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most apppcations.我们的锋利塑料冲是自激化,并能显着持续时间超过普通钢在大多数应用中拳。

4.After that, it may just be a matter of waiting: their best hope may be to outlast rather than outdo the West.然后,只是个等待的问题而已:他们最美好的愿望就是能够熬过西方而不是打过。

5.They might even outlast the total collapse of the high industrial system that had invented their technology.他们甚至可能在高度发达的工业体系全面崩溃后继续存活,而正是这一体系发明了他们所使用的科技。

6.The same used to apply to Colombia, where drug money allowed the communist FARC guerrillas to outlast the end of the cold war.以前哥伦比亚也有同样的问题。贩毒赚来的钱让共产主义FARC游击队撑到冷战结束后。

7.The new model takes into account how hot a human would get running long and hard enough to outlast an animal galloping in the midday sun.新模型将正午烈日下,人类在漫长艰辛追捕猎物的过程中会产生多少热量。

8.But with October 31 approaching, it looks as if this Shanghai tradition will outlast the 2010 Expo.但是随着10月31日的临近,看来上海人的这个习俗会比世博会长久。

9.It may even outlast the second generation of Java programmers just now coming out of universities and colleges.它甚至能比刚刚走出大学校园的第二代Java程序员走的更长。

10.The same study concluded that Jennifer Lopez will outlast the heat death of the universe.同一研究推断,JenniferLopez将会在宇宙的热寂中存活下来。