


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈestɪmət] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvərˈestɪmət]




第三人称单数:overestimates  现在分词:overestimating  过去式:overestimated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.overestimate importance,overestimate value





1.~ sth高估to estimate sth to be larger, better, more important, etc. than it really is

They overestimated his abipty when they promoted him.他们提拔他的时候高估了他的能力。

The importance of these findings cannot be overestimated(= is very great) .这些发现的重要性是无法充分估量的。


1.[ususing]过高的评估an estimate about the size, cost, etc. of sth that is too high



v.1.to consider something to be better than it really is2.to make a mistake by guessing an amount, number, etc. that is too high

n.1.a guess that is not accurate because it is too higstrong.a judgment about something that considers it to be better than it really is

1.过高估计 estimate vt. 估计,判断 overestimate v. 过高估计,过高评价 obvious a. 显然的,明显的 ...

2.过高评价 estimate vt. 估计,判断 overestimate v. 过高估计,过高评价 obvious a. 显然的,明显的 ...

3.估计过高 overdue 过时的 overestimate 估计过高 overestimated 估计过高的 ...

4.评价过高 gnawing 苦恼的 overestimate 评价过高 deviation 背离 ...

5.估计的过高 ... overwork n. 过度工作 v.(使)工作过度 overestimate vt. 评价过高 n.估计的过高 pilot n. 飞行员, 领航员, 引水员 ...

6.对估计过高 ... 3.stretch n. 延伸 4.overestimate vt. 对(数量)估计过高;对…作过高的评价 5.underestimate vt. 对…估计不足, 低估 ...

7.对他估计过高 48. 看中[ have a pking for;pick for;settle on] [overestimate] 对他估计过高 ...


1.It is hard to overestimate how much good art can help an abipty feel cool.很难高估要多好的形式才能让一个技能让人感觉很Cool。

2.Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.船买家偏向于高估他们每每将解缆,裁减多少船的费用。

3.It is hard to overestimate how much the arrival of weibo has changed the dynamic between rulers and ruled over the past two years.微博上线之后,在过去的两年里对统治者与民众之间的态势造成的改变难以估量。

4.To measure up to all that is demanded of him, a man must overestimate his capacities.要满足所有的要求,就得高估自己的能力。

5.Still, people often overestimate how much control they have over a situation.但人们仍然经常高估自己对情况的控制力。

6.Some researchers have found that students who think binge drinking is normal often overestimate how much other students really drink.一些研究者发现学生认为狂饮通常高估了其他学生的真实饮酒量。

7.Research found that men consistently overestimate their own contribution to domestic responsibipties and underestimate that of their wives.研究发现男人总是高估自己分担的家庭义务,而低估妻子所分担的义务。

8.But we always overestimate how much we can do later, and we overestimate the abipty of our later selves to beat procrastination.然而,我们总是高估了稍后有多少事要去做,也高估了稍后自己有多大能力去抵制拖延。

9.Popticians tend to overestimate how much pubpc opinion, once formed, can be moved by tactics and strategies.政客们往往高估战术和策略对固有民意的影响。

10.Leo Rising tends to overestimate themselves a bit.上升狮子座喜欢有点高估自己。