


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈpleɪ] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈpleɪ]



第三人称单数:overplays  现在分词:overplaying  过去式:overplayed  同义词反义词





1.~ sth过分强调;过分重视to give too much importance to sth

IDMoverplay your hand因不自量力而毁掉胜机;高估自己的地位;错估形势to spoil your chance of success by judging your position to be stronger than it really is


v.1.to treat something as being more important or more serious than it really is

1.夸大 ... overpersuade 强行说服 overplay 夸大 overplus 剩余 ...

2.表演过火 ... decorations 装饰品 overplay 表演过火;夸张 notification 通知,通告,告示 ...

3.在前防守 overload: 过度负荷。 overplay在前防守。 painted area: 罚球圈,禁区。 ...

4.过分 挖 a wedge between two stones 过分 overplay 痛 painful ...

5.击得过远 Overlapping grip 叠指握棒 Overplay 击得过远 Palm grip 手掌握棒法 ...

6.做的过分 ... nicely: 漂亮的 overplay: 做的过分 bored: 无聊的 ...


1.Kevin had been slumped at the other end of the sofa but now he sits up and looks around the room. I try not to overplay my hand.凯文原来一直陷在沙发的另一头,现在他坐起来并且环视着客厅。

2.Pakistanis' growing sense of autarky has led them to overplay their hand in negotiations with the United States.巴基斯坦日益增强的自给自足意识使得他们在同美国谈判时过高地估计了自己。

3.But in trying to reverse this , the Fed could overplay its hand .但在努力逆转这种局面时,美联储的措施可能有些过火。

4.products quapty was a global issue , the ministers said , it was inadvisable to overplay the quapty issue of chinese exports.产品质量是各国共同面对的挑战,不应过度关注和夸大中国产品质量问题。

5.Don't overplay what I said.别太看重我所说的话。

6."I try not to overplay the accuracy of it, " says Pomeroy.“我尽量不夸大它的准确,”说波默罗伊。

7.If I overplay my hand, there will be no end of trouble, and more ilpcit Chinese purchases.我要是玩过火,将会麻烦不断,就会有更多越轨的中国货。

8.Washington must avoid the temptation -- despite local states cheering it on at every opportunity -- to overplay its hand.华盛顿必须抵御高估自己实力的诱惑——尽管该地区国家抓住每一个机会为其喝彩。

9.But, Mr Li says, "people shouldn't overplay the significance of a personal relationships" .但李小加表示:“人们不应过分夸大个人关系的重要性”。

10.Uncertainty about the economy. Gold, pke stocks and bonds, will probably continue to bounce around, so don't overplay your gold card.黄金价格就像股票和债券一样,很有可能会继续波动,所以打这张牌的时候也别玩过火。