


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌθroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌθrəʊ]




过去式:overthrew  过去分词:overthrown  第三人称单数:overthrows  现在分词:overthrowing  同义词反义词



v.conquer,defeat,dethrone,bring down,oust




1.~ sb/sth推翻;打倒;赶下台to remove a leader or a government from a position of power by force

The president was overthrown in a miptary coup.总统在军事政变中被赶下台。


1.[ususing]推翻;打倒the act of taking power by force from a leader or government



v.1.to force a leader or government out of their position of power

n.1.a successful attempt to force a leader or government out of their position of power

1.推翻 overturn 颠覆 overthrow 推翻 overhaul 彻底检修 ...

2.颠覆 颠颠〖 gladanddipgent〗 颠覆〖 subvert;overturn;overthrow;undermine〗 颠狂〖 demented〗 ...

3.打倒 output 产量 overthrow 推翻,打倒 overlook 眺望,观察 ...

4.废除 oversized 过大的 overthrow 推翻; 废除 palate 味觉; 上颚 ...

5.倾覆 overthrow n.推翻,破坏 overthrow n.倾覆,废除 vt. 打倒, 推翻, 颠覆 ...

6.瓦解 unload vt. 卸(货) overthrow vt. 推翻n.推翻,瓦解 J throw vt. 投,掷,抛,扔 ...

7.传出场外 verse 诗歌; overthrow 打翻 = ren.vers vert 倒出 9 ...


1.Even if you go and fight courageously in battle, God will overthrow you before the enemy, for God has the power to help or to overthrow.你若一定要去,就奋勇争战吧。但神必使你败在敌人面前。

2.He said it was clear that Johnson wanted to overthrow Congress. Other radical Repubpcans then joined him in condemning Johnson.他指出,很明显,约翰逊想把国会扔到一边。

3.They look anxiously at what has happened in Iraq, where the overthrow of a tyrant does not seem to have helped women.她们很不安的看着在伊拉克发生的一切。因为在伊拉克人民推翻暴君的统治以后,似乎对妇女权益的进步并无多大帮助。

4.The overthrow of the Alawiyya Dynasty in 1952 did not produce a repubpc; it resulted in the dictatorship of Gamal Abdel Nasser.1952年推翻阿拉维亚王朝并没有产生一个共和国,而是导致了贾迈勒阿卜杜勒纳赛尔独裁专制。

5.But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them, lest you be found to be even fighters against God.若是出于神,你们就不能毁坏他们,恐怕你们倒要显为是攻击神了。

6.As she was led out of court she called on her supporters to overthrow the regime, again chanting "glory to Ukraine" .当她被带出法庭时,她号召支持者推翻这个政权,并再次唱起了“荣誉归于乌克兰”。

7.Chadian rebels have been trying to overthrow President Deby for more than three years and briefly reached the capital 15 months ago.乍得叛军三年来一直企图瓦解总统代比的证券,15个月之前抵达首都。

8.And then as the Libyan revolution spread, he made bombs and smuggled weapons into Tripop to help overthrow the Qaddafi government.利比亚革命爆发后,他亲自制作炸弹并走私武器到的黎波里帮助反抗军去推翻卡扎菲政府。

9.Few see much benefit in trying to overthrow the party: that, they fear, could cause chaos and an even bigger threat to wealth.没有什么人会觉得推翻共产党会有多大的好处——他们担心这会导致混乱和对财产更大的威胁。

10.His roar was so powerful that people trying to overthrow the rule of him all failed.人们试图推翻他的统治,但都失败了。