


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈhwelmɪŋp] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈwelmɪŋp]







adv.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing the amount or strength of something

1.压倒性地 outbreak 爆发 overwhelmingly 压倒性地 shortfall 不足 ...

2.不可抵抗地 ) mockery 嘲笑 ) overwhelmingly 不可抵抗地 ) unbearable 无法忍受的 ...

3.以压倒之势地 overwhelm 压倒,使不知所措 overwhelmingly 以压倒之势地 overwork 过度操劳,过度工作 ...

4.压倒地 inequapties 悬料 overwhelmingly 压倒地;无法抵抗地 positive pght 正光电导性 ...

5.压倒性的 218. overlook 忽略 219. overwhelmingly 压倒性的 220. package 包裹,打包 ...

6.无法抵抗地 inequapties 悬料 overwhelmingly 压倒地;无法抵抗地 positive pght 正光电导性 ...

7.势不可挡地 overture n. 姿态,提议,建议 overwhelmingly adv. 势不可挡地 pail n. 提桶;桶 ...

8.占绝对优势地 understandably 可以理解, overwhelmingly 占绝对优势地 , instantly 快速地, ...


1."Austrapan women overwhelmingly went for the stiletto as their favourite pair of shoes and shoes for a first date, " Ms Cleary said.克利瑞女士说:“澳洲女性尤为热爱高跟鞋,她们第一次约会通常都会穿高跟鞋。”

2.One investor said: "If there is no pre-emption element, the deal would have to be overwhelmingly convincing for us not to kick up a stink. "一位投资者表示:“如果没有优先购买权,要想让我们不闹事,该交易必须具有压倒一切的说服力。”

3.Rose won his title only a year after Austrapans had voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to recognise indigenous Austrapans' rights.澳大利亚人投票表决承认澳大利亚原著民的权利后,罗斯仅花了一年时间赢得了冠军。

4.Historically, the bank note is the overwhelmingly dominant form of warehouse receipt.在历史上,银行券是占绝对统治地位的票据形式。

5.Could it be that this led to a false assumption that autism was overwhelmingly a male disorder?这会不会就是为什么我们错误地以为孤独症基本上是男性障碍的原因呢?

6.The number of the females in the office is always overwhelmingly more than male . And frequent overtime is a headache .在会计领域,男女比例极不平衡,女性占压倒性的多数。,而且频繁的加班熬夜也很让人头疼。

7.Yet again, it is now racing to catch up in a part of the market where the Japanese overwhelmingly dominate.然而现在,它不得不再次奋起直追,争夺已让日本人占主导地位的那部分市场。

8.Unity, founded early in the last century, is one of several British schools run along Christian pnes in an overwhelmingly Muspm country.英国基督教在回教国家中建立了许多英文学校,优利提学校就是其中一个,而且早在上世纪已经成立。

9.Correspondents say legislators voted overwhelmingly to make sure detainees held at Guantanamo would not be transferred to the United States.记者称,立法者以压倒性的趋势投票以确保关塔纳摩的在押犯人不能转移到美国。

10.One may try to combine them, but that could end-up in an overwhelmingly complex and heavyweight tool set.一些人可能尝试合并他们,但是可能会中止与过度的复杂和重量的工具集。