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第三人称单数:owes  现在分词:owing  过去式:owed  


v.1.对...负有(义务,债务等),受有...的恩惠,欠2.(把名誉等)归给...,归功于...,认为是靠...的力量,要感谢(某人)3.有支付[偿还]义务 (for)

v.1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you1.if you owe someone money, you have to give them a particular amount of money because you have bought something from them or have borrowed money from them. Money that you owe is called a debt2.to think you should treat someone in a particular way; used about feepngs that you should have about someone; used about things that you should say to someone; used about things that you should give to someone3.to feel grateful to someone because of the way that they have helped you4.to have something only because someone or something has helped you

1.亏欠 Bayern Munich( 拜仁慕尼黑) owes( 亏欠) us( 我们) ...

2.负债 ovum 卵 owes 负债 owl 猫头鹰 ...

3.感恩 ... Zerodistence— 零距离 Owes感恩 Value— 价值 ...

4.绮夊僵 ... owen 绮夎偁 owes 绮夊僵 owfy 绮夊泼 ...


1.It also knows U. S. unemployment is at unusually high levels, and that Mr. Obama owes much to his union supporters.北京也知道,美国失业率高得离谱,奥巴马对他的工会支持者还有很多没有兑现的承诺。

2.Jill: I've hinted to Mary several times that I need her to pay me the money she owes, but she just ignores me.吉尔:我跟玛丽暗示了好几次,说她应该还欠我的钱了,但是她就是装不知道。

3.the governor owes me more than a few favors, and I think he might just abide by my wishes in such an event.州长欠我的情不算少,在这样一件事上,他也许会听我的。

4.President Nicolas Sarkozy's unpopularity owes much to his failure to boost it as he promised.法国总统萨科齐不受欢迎的原因多半要归咎于其未能兑现提高民众购买力的承诺。

5.Yet it owes more to the alacrity with which they, before any other community, seized on the opportunities of migrant labour.但他们的灵敏也不容忽视,他们赶在了其他地方的人之前得到了做农民工的机会。

6.It's nice of you to say so. But as a matter of fact, our success today owes a lot to the teamwork in our company.不过,我们公司能有今日的成就,实际上是靠全体员工的共同努力。

7.But while part of me owes my co-workers a smooth transition, another part wishes I could leave a bigger hole, just to say I was here.但是在一方面我仍然亏欠我同事一个平稳的过渡期,另一方面我希望我的离开能留下一个大的空洞来证明我曾经在这里呆过。

8.It shows what the business owns and what it owes to its creditors or its owners. A business is always in a state of equipbrium.资产负债表显示会计期最后一天的公司财务状况,表明该企业拥有的资产情况和欠债权人或股东的债务情况。

9.This figure shows how much a company expects to reap in tax benefits when it ultimately pays the executives what it owes them.这个数字显示出公司预计在最终付清高管薪酬的情况下,将会在缴税方面节省多少钱。

10.He said: "A man who has once been the candidate of his party -- and defeated -- owes it to his party not to be a candidate again. "他说:“谁曾经一直是他的政党的候选人-打败男人-有责任向他的党不是一个候选人了。”