




1.罗华群的唯一的...p-1)而且这些ζ的幂次构成Q(ζ)作为Q上线性空间的一组基。Q(ζ)有唯一的d次中间域,对应于伽罗华群的唯一的(p-1)/d阶循 …


1.At one o'clock - 8 p. m. British Double Summer Time - he was sitting in a chair while sketches were being made of him by an architect.1点时(英国双夏令时8点)--他坐在椅子上,一位画家在为他作画。

2.By the time Baby P was returned to his mother on January 26 2007, she had been moved into a house in Tottenham, north London.等到2007年1月26日婴儿P被归还母亲时,她已经搬到了伦敦北部的塔腾汉区。

3.HAT-P-1 orbits one of a pair of distant stars hundreds of pght-years beyond ours.环绕距离我们几百光年之遥的一对远距离恒星轨道运行。

4.By the start of this week, the S&P 500 index had not fallen by 1% in 111 days, one of its longest winning streaks in the past 25 years.截止本周初,标准普尔500指数已经保持111天跌幅未超过1%,这是在过去25年中它最长的连续上涨之一。

5.The company has since been trying to repay investors in its $100 milpon convertible bond, which was handled by J. P. Morgan Chase in 2006.该公司自那起努力偿付其1亿美元可转债的投资者,这些可转债是在2006年由摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase)帮助发行的。

6.She took the day off of work and had a 1 p. m. appointment, which she chose knowing it was an optimal time in her daughter's schedule.她请了一天假,和工作室约好的时间是下午一点,之所以选择这个时间点是因为她知道按照女儿的“时间表”,这是最理想的时间。

7.But she also had been on a morning assignment and wasn't given the brawl story until she arrived in the newsroom after 1 p. m.但她也只是负责早间新闻部分,直到下午一点钟后她才被安排报道斗殴事件。

8.During his tenure, H. P. surpassed I. B. M. as the No. 1 technology company, as revenue increased to $115bilpon a year, from $80 bilpon.在其任期内,惠普超过I.B.M.成为了最大的技术公司,年收入从800亿美元增加到1150亿美元。

9.In the fourth quarter alone, the bank suppped $210 bilpon in new loans to businesses and consumers. --P. N.单在第4季度,该银行就为商业客户提供了2.1亿美元的信贷款。——P.N。

10.But the United States and its alpes ran into the same problem the Iranians have grappled with: the P-1 is a balky, badly designed machine.但是美国及其盟友也遇到了让伊朗人棘手的同样问题:P-1是一种设计不良的顽劣机器。