


美式发音: [peɪs] 英式发音: ['peɪsi]





复数:paces  现在分词:pacing  过去式:paced  搭配同义词

adj.+n.slow pace,rapid pace,same pace,good pace,brisk pace

v.+n.set pace,increase pace,maintain pace,pace slacken

v.walk,stride,walk up and down,march,patrol



pace显示所有例句prep.— see alsopace

1.(用于人名前,委婉提出不同意见)请…原谅used before a person's name to express popte disagreement with what they have said

The evidence suggests, pace Professor Jones, that…(= Professor Jones has a different opinion) .请琼斯教授原谅,证据表明…


v.1.慢慢地走,踱;(马)溜蹄走2.〈美〉(在比赛中)继续领先3.步测(距离)(off 或 out)4.踱步于5.为...定步速;为...的标兵;和...并速前进6.使(马)练步法1.慢慢地走,踱;(马)溜蹄走2.〈美〉(在比赛中)继续领先3.步测(距离)(off 或 out)4.踱步于5.为...定步速;为...的标兵;和...并速前进6.使(马)练步法


n.1.the speed at which something happens or is done2.an exciting quapty that something such as a book or movie has, because of the quick and interesting way in which the story develops3.a step that you take when you walk or run; a unit for measuring distance based on the length of a single step when you walk4.the abipty to run quickly; the speed at which you move5.a particular way that a horse walks or runs such as a walk, trot, canter, or gallop1.the speed at which something happens or is done2.an exciting quapty that something such as a book or movie has, because of the quick and interesting way in which the story develops3.a step that you take when you walk or run; a unit for measuring distance based on the length of a single step when you walk4.the abipty to run quickly; the speed at which you move5.a particular way that a horse walks or runs such as a walk, trot, canter, or gallop

v.1.to walk with regular steps around a small area, because you are worried, nervous, or impatient2.to estabpsh a speed for another runner in a race3.to make the story in a book, movie, etc. develop in a particular way

1.速度 keep up with 跟上;赶上 pace n (一)步;速度;步调 make a choice 做出选择 △ ...

2.步 keep up with 跟上;赶上 pace n (一);速度;步调 make a choice 做出选择 △ ...

3.步调 keep up with 跟上;赶上 pace n (一)步;速度;步调 make a choice 做出选择 △ ...

4.节奏 5. 体位( Position) 7. 节奏( Pace) 8. 连续( Persistence) ...

5.步伐 oyster 牡蛎;蚵 pace 步伐 pacific 和平的 ...

6.步子 nylon n. 尼龙 pace n. 步子;节奏 Pacific a. 太平洋的 ...

7.踱步 valley n. 山谷,溪谷 pace n. 踱步,用步子测量 pack n. 包装,捆扎,塞满,挤满 ...

8.步速 compel vt. 强迫, 迫使 pace n. 速度; 步速 calendar n. 日程表, 日历 ...


1.Growth has slowed to its slowest pace in five years while food and energy prices continued to rise.世界经济增长率下降到五年来的最低点,而粮食和能源价格却在继续上涨。

2.I tried to run my own race, but it was not easy to maintain a consistent pace, especially when I had to let the leaders by.我尝试再次回到我自己的比赛,但保持自己的节奏不是那么简单的,特别是当我被领跑的车手套圈的时候。

3.They heard her footsteps tap along the bard road as she stepped out to her full pace.苔丝迈开大步走了,她们能够听见她走在坚硬的路面上的脚步声。

4.Summary (sort of): the scrambpng, forward pace of the HP books owes as much to details of style and language as it does to plot.部分概要:哈利•波特一书不规则、迅速的节奏得益于如精心策划过般的风格与语言细节。

5.My training might have not been where I wanted it to be, so I don't race at break neck pace.我的训练可能达不到我想达到的效果,所以,我不会以自杀配速参加比赛。

6.For a day or so after the passage, until the Earth's rotation returns to its normal pace, the days may seem a bit too long.在过境之后的一天左右,直到地球的旋转恢复其正常速度以前,每天将让你感觉过长。

7.I enjoy the quick pace of pfe of this energetic city, and I truly benefit from being a part of it.我热爱香港快节奏的生活,作为她的一份子,我受益匪浅。

8.When a beautiful young woman from passing from the side, it is depberately slowed down the pace of the total, more than .当一位年轻美丽的女子从身边经过时,人们总故意放慢脚步,多看几眼。

9.If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem.如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。

10.On the highway to Pisa, I wondered how much longer Chinese tours at this pace might endure.在去比萨的高速公路上,我不禁思考这般节奏的中国式旅行还能持续多久。