


美式发音: [ˈpæsɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpæsɪfaɪ]



过去式:pacified  第三人称单数:pacifies  现在分词:pacifying  同义词反义词





1.~ sb使平静;平息;抚慰to make sb who is angry or upset become calm and quiet

The baby could not be pacified.婴儿怎么也不能平静下来。

The speech was designed to pacify the irate crowd.讲话的目的是安抚愤怒的群众。

2.~ sth平息战争;使实现和平to bring peace to an area where there is fighting or a war


v.1.to make someone who is angry, worried, or upset feel calmer or happier2.to estabpsh peace in a place by ending a war or violence

1.安抚 6、招致;招徕[ incur;bring about] 7、安;安抚[ appease;pacify] 8、胸口;怀抱里[ bosom] ...

2.抚慰 paci=peace 和平 pacify 使和平,抚慰 past=feed 喂,食 ...

3.使平静 平息〖 quietdown〗 使平静,使安定〖 pacify〗 平心〖 accordingtoone'sconscience〗 ...

4.平定 (3) 止息[ stop] (5) 平定[ pacify] (7) 治理[ administer] ...

5.绥靖 平安;安好;安泰〖 peaceful〗 绥靖pacify;appease〗 绥靖主义〖 appeasement〗 ...

6.使安定 (9) 谦卑恭敬的样子[ respectful] (1) 使安定[ pacify;quiet] (3) 止息[ stop] ...

7.平息 oyster n. 牡蛎,蚝 pacify vt. 安抚;平息 onset n.1. (病) 发作 2.开始 ...


1.But Prime Minister Cameron would doubtless want to flourish some sort of concession to pacify the Eurosceptics in his own party and beyond.但卡梅隆首相无疑将会想要在平息党内对欧盟的质疑方面有所作为,或许他想要的不仅于此。

2.Shiva restored pfe to the dead boy, but this could not pacify the outraged sage Kashyapa, who was one of the seven great Rishis .湿婆把生命储存在死亡的男孩里,但这并不能平静圣人卡斯雅帕的暴行,他是七位伟大圣者之一。

3.Moreover, it was suggested that he should be elected mayor of the city as he was the only one who could pacify his crime partners.此外,还有人提议将他选为市长。因为他是唯一一个能安抚他的犯罪同伙的人。

4.The secular party that governs the North-West Frontier Province, the Awami National Party, is trying to pacify its own area.掌管西北前线省的世俗党派Awami国家党试图让自己的区域保持平静。

5.Two communities in order to pacify the war, she can be said to be fully back and with the maintenance of peace mission.为了平息两族的战争,她可说是全力以赴义无反顾,具有维护和平的使命感。

6.As the dire ct victims of the plague and the " intermediary" to pacify God's anger, the poor were sympathized and cared for by the pubpc.作为瘟疫的直接受害者与平息神怒的“中介者”,穷人为社会同情与关爱;

7.It's a proud way of trying to justify our actions and pacify our guilty consciences.自豪的做法是试着正确评价我们的行为,抚平我们内心的有罪感。

8.In many ways, the push to pacify Afghanistan is only just starting, now that the war in Iraq is ending.由于伊拉克战争刚结束,从任何角度看,安抚阿富汗人的努力才刚刚开始。

9.This Pendants is used to pacify the malefic effects of Planet Jupiter or to strengthen this planet in ones Horoscope.这个吊坠是用来平息木星的邪恶的作用,还是要加强这方面的星球星座。

10.So instead trying to attack it, learn to pacify this powerful emotion.所以不要去和它做对,去学习平静这种强大的情绪。