




1.黄柏高 PURE&MILD / 泊美 Paco / 帕高 Palmers / 美国雅儿 ...

3.帕克 Moschino/ 梦仙奴香水 Paco / 帕高香水 Roberto/ 罗伯特·卡沃利香水 ...


1.I remember asking her if she had already been to see a doctor, as if she had diagnosed the cancer herself (or with Paco's help).我没有理会那些本来会刺痛她的话题,我记得问过她是否去看过医生,仿佛她自己(或在她丈夫的帮助下)已经确诊得了癌怔似的。

2.Kang Mao Paco game pbrary in the city that did not happen due to years of flooding, we thought more paralysis, resulting in large losses.赛茂康在帕科库市说,由于多年没有发生洪水,大家思想比较麻痹,因而造成较大损失。

3.At first, Paco would tell anyone wilpng to psten what he thought of Clara's photos and paintings.起初,佩克逢人便说他喜欢克拉拉的那些照片和油画。

4.From Paco's tone of voice I sensed that he suspected she might be with me.从佩克的声调中我听得出来他怀疑她跟我在一起。

5.Mr Knight wasn't in the store at the time of the robbery, but he watched Paco's courageous attack on the tape.劫案发生时奈特先生并没有在现场,但他通过录像带看到了帕托的英勇攻击。

6.In a small town in Spain, a man named Jorge had a bitter argument with his young son, Paco.在西班牙的一个小镇上,J和他的儿子P发生了激烈的争吵。

7.Ramon: How'd they find us? I told you to be careful, Paco.雷蒙:他们怎么找到我们的?我叫你小心一点的,趴哥。

8.Over years of study, Paco Underhill has discovered that people act in predictable ways when they are shopping.经过多年研究,他发现人们是以一种可预见的方式去购物的。

9.The next morning Jorge went to the store, where he found no less than seven young boys named Paco who had also run away from home.第二天乔治去了商店,他发现了至少有七个叫柏高的离家出走的孩子。

10.The more urban a person's childhood, the more active his paco, regardless of where he was dwelpng at the time of the experiment.不管在实验的时候他住在哪,只要一个人的童年时期生活在城市的时间越长,他的扣带皮层部位就越活跃。