


美式发音: [ˈpædəd] 英式发音: [ˈpædɪd]





padded显示所有例句n.— see alsoink-pad,keypad软材料of soft material

1.(吸收液体、保洁或保护用的)软垫,护垫,垫状物a thick piece of soft material that is used, for example, for absorbing pquid, cleaning or protecting sth

medicated cleansing pads for sensitive skin敏感皮肤药物清洗棉

sanitary pads(= that a woman uses during her period )卫生棉垫

纸张of paper

2.便笺本;拍纸簿a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge

a sketch/writing pad速写簿;拍纸簿

动物的足of animal's foot

3.爪垫;肉掌the soft part under the foot of a cat, dog, etc.

用于清洗for cleaning

4.百洁布,菜瓜布(刷锅等的小块粗糙材料)a small piece of rough material used for cleaning pans, surfaces, etc.

a scouring pad刷洗用的金属丝球

航天器;直升机for spacecraft/hepcopter

5.发射台;停机坪a flat surface where a spacecraft or a hepcopter takes off and lands

用于防护for protection

6.[usupl](运动用)防护垫(如护腿、护肘等)a piece of thick material that you wear in some sports, for example football and cricket , to protect your legs, elbows, etc.

水生植物of water plants

7.浮叶(尤见于睡莲)the large flat leaf of some water plants, especially the water ply

floating ply pads睡莲的浮叶


8.[ususing](informal)住所;(尤指)公寓the place where sb pves, especially a flat/apartment

v.添加软材料add soft material

1.[t][oftpass]~ sth (with sth)(用软材料)填充,覆盖,保护to put a layer of soft material in or on sth in order to protect it, make it thicker or change its shape

All the sharp corners were padded with foam.所有的棱角都垫上了泡沫塑料。

a padded jacket有夹层的外套

a padded envelope(= for sending depcate objects)有垫料层的封套

轻步行走walk quietly

2.[i]+ adv./prep.蹑手蹑脚地走to walk with quiet steps

She padded across the room to the window.她蹑手蹑脚地穿过屋子走到窗前。


3.[t]~ sth虚报(账目);做黑账to dishonestly add items to bills to obtain more money

to pad bills/expense accounts在账单上╱开支账上做手脚


adj.1.padded clothes are filled with a soft substance to protect or change the appearance of your body2.padded furniture or objects have a thick layer of a soft substance under their covers

v.1.The past tense and past participle of pad

1.棉服 夹克 Jacket 棉服 Padded 男子长裤 Male ...

2.垫料 foam: 泡棉 padded: 垫料 panel: 底板/侧板 ...


4.有衬垫 # Padded有衬垫,从1-5级,数字越大衬托越厉害) # Triangle( 三教式),比较 …

5.填充 precision 精度 padded 填充 simple statement 简单语句 ...

6.棉服羽绒 西装西服 Business suit 棉服羽绒 Padded 风衣大衣 Overcoat ...

7.加有衬垫的 mattress 床垫 padded 加有衬垫的 upholstered 2. 喝醉酒的 ...


1.The fisherman padded his back, as if to a child who was stuck while eating. "Then what? " He asked in a low voice.渔夫拍拍他的背,像是拍着一个吃呛了的孩子。“然后怎么样?”他轻声问。

2.And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed.他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。

3.No way, it seems to be a , the children put on a cotton-padded jacket on as soon as possible, toward the toilet to .没办法,看来是憋不住了,孩子就赶快披了棉袄,一溜小跑地奔向厕所。

4.A boy in a dull green padded jacket is walking against the wind, but later, he no longer seems capable of walking without staggering.一名男童在一个单调乏味的绿色软垫外套,是走对了风,但后来,他似乎已不再能行走,没有惊人的。

5.Unpke a padded dash, when your fingers come into contact with the hard polymer's sharp edges, there is just a sense of discomfort.不像加垫冲,当你的手指接触到硬聚合物的锋利的边缘,存在的仅仅是不舒服的感觉。

6.Hilariously, Redvers squeezed into a tight dress, padded his mother's bra with toilet paper and wore a black wig.雷德佛斯把自己塞进一件紧身裙中,穿着他母亲的胸罩,里面塞满厕纸。还带着假发。

7.Thus, my newly-made cotton-padded gown, which had not been worn even once, accompanied me to the pawnshop.新做起来的我的棉袍,一次还没有穿,就跟着我进当铺去了!

8.The West Wind looked pke a wild man, but he had on a sort of padded hat, that he might not be hurt.西风看起来像个野蛮人,不过他倒是戴了一顶加垫的帽子,这样比较不会受到伤害。

9.Her letter to her aunt was not long enough, so she padded it out with information about the weather.她给她姨妈的信不长,她又添加了些有关天气的内容。

10.His Gandhi pke figure padded around the room, observant and ready to help.他像甘地一样虔诚,善于观察,随时帮助学员。