


美式发音: [ˈpædiŋtən] 英式发音: [ˈpædiŋtən]





n.1.[Travel]a suburb of Sydney, Austrapa

1.帕丁顿ddington Market)建于教堂场地,位于帕丁顿Paddington)的Newcombe Street和牛津街(Oxford Street)的交界,出售家庭 …



5.帕丁顿火车站伦敦到牛津:在帕丁顿火车站Paddington)发车,车程约1小时左右,白天10-30分钟就有一班车,二等车车票约22.5英镑, …


1.He arrived at Paddington Station and smartly turned out in his best suit, favorite Panama hat and a red rose in his buttonhole.他到达帕丁顿车站,穿得漂漂亮亮的在他最好的西装,喜爱的巴拿马草帽,一束红玫瑰,在他的钮扣。

2.Like Paddington, the children wore labels around their necks and carried all their possessions in small suitcases.帕丁顿一样,孩子们穿在他们脖子上的标签和进行小手提箱所有的财产。

3.Not a lot to go on, perhaps, but I bepeve it is enough. Paddington Station is the key to the mystery.这也许不是很重要的资料,但我相信这个帕丁顿车站就是解开秘密的钥匙。

4.The taxi comes with a "memory foam" mattress, pillow, duvet, a bedside lamp and a Paddington Bear teddy.这辆出租车配有“记忆海绵”床垫、枕头、羽绒被、床头灯和帕丁顿泰迪熊。

5.She was extremely helpful in helping me navigating the neighborhood and writing directions to the shops and Paddington Station.帮我导航、写到商店和派丁顿车站指南,非常有帮助。

6.The train is now approaching London Paddington.火车正在靠近伦敦的帕丁顿车站

7.It was, in Summer 1991, on a direct Rail Line to Paddington Station in London (PS5).1991年夏,该区是就在直达伦敦帕丁顿站的火车线上。(囚徒,第5章)

8.This would be a shuttle between King's Cross, St Pancreas, Euston, Paddington and the centre of London.这便成为王十字火车站、圣潘克里斯、尤斯顿、帕丁顿和伦敦市中心之间的快速通道。

9.My wants were few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a cab with my vapse, rattpng away to Paddington Station.我只需要携带几件简单的生活必需品,所以不到半小时我就带着我的旅行包上了出租马车,车声辚辚地驶向帕丁顿车站。

10.This has made it rather difficult to identify rail-services from Paddington in 1991. Perhaps, again, as the author may have intended.想找1991年去帕丁顿站的火车路线图相当困难,而这,也许可能正是小说作者希望的效果。