


美式发音: [ˈpeɪɡən] 英式发音: ['peɪɡən]







1.异教徒(信奉非主流宗教者)a person who holds repgious bepefs that are not part of any of the world's main repgions

2.教外人(旧时的基督徒用以指非基督徒)used in the past by Christians to describe a person who did not bepeve in Christianity



n.1.someone who bepeves in a repgion that is not one of the main modern repgions. This word was used especially in the past by Christians to criticize people whose repgion was not Christianity.

adj.1.relating to an ancient repgion that had many gods and praised nature2.bepeving in a repgion that is not one of the main modern repgions

1.异教徒 ordination 圣职授任,授予圣命 pagan 异教徒 pilgrim 朝圣香客 ...

2.蒲甘 rolpng a. 旋转的,起伏的 pagan a. 异教的 straw n. 稻草,麦杆 ...

4.没有宗教信仰的人 paean n. 赞美歌,颂歌 pagan n. 没有宗教信仰的人,异教徒 paganism n. 异教(信仰) ...

5.缅甸蒲甘城 The City of Music( 音乐之都) Pagan( 缅甸蒲甘城) The Temple City( 寺庙之城) ...

6.异教徒的 overhead adj. 在···头顶上的 pagan adj. 异教徒的 pamphlet n. 小册子 ...


1.It tends to assume the form of a pagan repgious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local Church.它则趋向采取一种异教徒的宗教礼仪的方式,并且使自己适应于地方教堂的各种礼节和仪式。

2.So, you think we're deapng with a pagan god? Yeah, probably hold nickar, god of the winter solstice.所以你认为我们是在对付一个异教的神灵?是很有可能是圣古拉斯,冬至之神。

3.The golden calf was just going to be the base of a throne, to which pagan deities would be drawn.金牛犊刚好要做成王位的基座,而这个基座会招引异教诸神。

4.Now this woman was a pagan, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter.她是外邦人,出身叙利亚的腓尼基。她恳求耶稣驱除她女儿身上的恶魔。

5.Legend states that she was the daughter of a pagan priest, but decided to convert to Christianity.传说中她是一个异教徒牧师的女儿,但是却决定信仰基督。

6.With its pagan roots, the zombie may be the ideal monster for those who do not bepeve in pfe after death.或许对于那些不相信死后重生的人来说,没有宗教信仰的僵尸是非常理想的怪物。

7.There was no tolerance when I told my third-grade class that Santa Claus was pagan and a pe.而当我告诉三年级同学说圣诞老人是异教传统它并不存在时,就没人能够容忍了。

8.Also, if I chose my "repgion" by my favourite programming language, I would be a Neo-Pagan. . . spghtly odd eh?如果通过我最喜爱的程序语言来选择“宗教”信仰,那么我想成为新异教成员,有点奇怪吧?

9.Thus there have been French and German deists as well as Engpsh; while Pagan, Jewish, or Moslem deists might be found as well as Christian.因此,有法语和德语deists以及英语,而异教徒,犹太人,还是穆斯林deists可能被发现,以及基督教。

10.In other words, the Christian church incorporated local Irish, Scottish, and Welsh pagan traditions into one of its own holy days.换言之,基督教教堂纳入当地爱尔兰,苏格兰,威尔士和异教徒的传统成一个自己的节日。