




1.网页级别 有机列表( Organic psting) 网站级别PageRank ) 付费列表( Paid psting) ...


8.页面排名正如我们在2中提到的,搜索引擎类似“页面排名”(pagerank)似的算法会把页面上的排名值除以链接数然后再传递出去。再补 …


1.The pnks that you attract from other relevant web sites to your newsroom pages will build PageRank back to the rest of your web site.把其它相关网站吸引到你的编辑室网页做链接,有助于从其它方面帮助你的网站提高网页排名。

2.But to be blunt, measuring the PageRank of your own website or that of your competitors is absolutely pointless.但坦白地讲,衡量你自己或竞争对手网站的PageRank是毫无意义的举措。

3.Those PageRank updates we used to love seeing every month or two became less and less frequent.我们曾经乐见的那些每一至两个月就更新一次的PageRank算法,更新频率越来越低。

4.These days most pnks are generated by computers, so the original form of this "page rank" algorithm has long since been scrapped.现在大多数链接都由计算机生成,所以之前的“pagerank”算法早就不用了。

5.With this technology, search results are going to be organized not by PageRank but by your personal interests.在这个技术的基础上,搜索结果就不是按照Pagerank来组织,而是依据你个人的兴趣。

6.The term used to describe the popularity or your website was known as PageRank.这个被用于描述你网站的流行度的词语,即大名鼎鼎的PageRank。

7.The biologists use PageRank by multiplying the rate of extinction for one species and determining the rate at which others are affected.生物学家利用PageRank确定一个物种的灭绝率对其它物种的影响。

8.I would guess that within the next two to three years, they'll stop updating PageRank permanently.我猜在两到三年之内,他们会永久地停止对PageRank的更新。

9.PaRaMeter stands for "Page Rank Meter" - the meter of Google PageRank which is one of the web ranking important parameters.参数是“网页排名表”-米的谷歌的PageRank这是一个网站排名的重要参数。

10.Also, what if a new technology were to be developed as powerful as PageRank that transforms the way search engines work?同样,又怎么能指望再开发出一种像PageRank那样强大的新技术,从而改变搜索引擎的运行方式呢?