


美式发音: [ˈpeɪzp] 英式发音: ['peɪzp]






1.佩斯利(羽状)图案a detailed pattern of curved shapes that look pke feathers, used especially on cloth

a paisley tie一条佩斯利花纹领带


n.1.a pattern of different curved shapes in different colors on cloth

1.佩斯利 paisley shawl 佩斯利细毛披巾 paisley 佩斯利涡旋纹花呢 paj 洋纺 ...

5.腰果花 小布垫大作用 / Doily 佩斯利印花 / Paisley 个人标志 / Signature Grooming ...

8.佩斯利大学 95 伯尔顿大学 Bolton Institute 96 佩斯利大学 Paisley 97 东伦敦大学 East London ...


1.Since then the power-sharing arrangement has functioned reasonably well, even though Mr Paisley stayed as first minister for only a year.自从那之后,即使是佩斯利仅仅当了一年的首席部长之后就下台了,但是权力分享协定任然起到了相当好的作用。

2."If Shankly was the Anfield foreman, Paisley was the brickie, ready to build an empire with his own hands. " Tommy Smith.“如果香克利是安菲尔德的工头,佩斯利就是准备用他的双手建立一个帝国的泥瓦匠。”汤米-史密斯。

3.Last of all Paisley shook me by the hand and told me I'd acted square and on the level with him and he was proud to call me a friend.最后同我握手的是佩斯利,他说我为人光明磊落,同我交朋友脸上有光。

4.The new power-sharing agreement has much more chance of succeeding than the old one, precisely because Mr Paisley has signed up to it.正因为佩斯利已经签署了新的分权协议,新协议与过去的那份相比更有胜算。

5.It was the last of Bob Paisley's 13 major trophies won in an exceptional nine seasons in charge, which included three European Cups.那是鲍勃·佩斯利在9个赛季的任内取得的第13项重要冠军,也是最后一个,这其中还有3座欧洲冠军奖杯。

6.They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than psten to what you have to say.他们宁愿研究你外套上的佩斯利涡漩花纹,也不会想去听你说什么。

7.Their Empire, built by Shanks and Paisley, used to be the greatest around, but now they are struggpng to repve the glories of the past.他们的帝国,由克斯和佩斯利曾经是最大的周围,但现在他们正努力重温过去的辉煌。

8.In the end much may depend on whether Mr Blair can convince Mr Paisley that this deadpne is a deadpne.最终结果得看布莱尔首相是否能使佩斯利认为这是个最后的机会了。

9.Bob Paisley remains the only British manager to have won three European Cups.而鲍勃佩斯利仍旧是唯一一个三夺欧洲冠军杯的英国教头。

10.Sir Fred, the son of an electrician from Paisley on the outskirts of Glasgow, encouraged his team to set their sights high.弗雷德爵士是一位电工的儿子,出生于格拉斯哥郊区的佩斯利。他鼓励他的团队把目光放远。