


美式发音: [pəˈleɪʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [pə'leɪʃ(ə)l]








1.宫殿般的;富丽堂皇的very large and impressive, pke a palace


adj.1.a palatial building is very large with impressive decorations

1.宏伟的 mercurial 善变的,活泼的 palatial 宫殿般的,宏伟的 tangential 切线的,离题的 ...

2.宫殿般的 mercurial 善变的,活泼的 palatial 宫殿般的,宏伟的 tangential 切线的,离题的 ...

3.富丽堂皇的 1. refurbish: 整修,把……翻新。 2. palatial: 富丽堂皇的。 8. snoop around: 窥探,打探。 ...

4.宫殿的 ... volcanic 火山的 palatial 宫殿的,壮丽的 geological 地质的 ...

5.壮丽的 ... volcanic 火山的 palatial 宫殿的,壮丽的 geological 地质的 ...

6.宫殿似的 shelter 避难所 palatial 宫殿似的 self-deprecation 自我否定 ...

7.宫殿般豪华的 palatable 感到愉悦满足的 palatial 宫殿般豪华的 pall 失去兴趣 ...


1.Chang'an as the capital of Western Han Dynasty had been a pttle different from Xianyang in the area, layout and palatial architecture, etc.西汉都城长安在地域、部局、宫殿建筑等方面,大体都继承了秦都咸阳城的传统。

2.They felt prices were too high and reminded me of the palatial properties that the same amount of money would buy in Chicago or Seattle.当时他们都认为香港的房价太高,还提醒我如果在芝加哥或是西雅图,花同样的钱可以买到一座宫殿。

3.She'll never be able to afford one of the palatial apartments just down the road.她永远不可能买的起路那边的豪华公寓。

4.It opens with the splendors of a palatial bedroom and its boudoir meant for a fashionable lady of high society.开放的辉煌宫殿的卧室和其闺房意味着一个时髦的小姐高的社会。

5."Palatial" is not the word that usually comes to mind to describe a pole-and-thatch house.一般人不会想到用「宏伟」来形容茅草屋,多数西方人会想像成「小棚屋」。

6.Sometimes we met at his palatial home in Beijing, sometimes at my much smaller one in Shanghai.有时,我们在北京他那宫般的家里见面,有时,在上海我那小的多的家里见面。

7.It was a palatial residence built in 1694 by Qing Emperor Kangxi for his fourth son, Prince Yongzheng who later succeeded to the throne.这是一个居住的宫殿建于1694年,由清康熙他四子后来雍正王子继承王位。

8.He dropped out of sight weeks before, sparking rumours he had taken refuge in his palatial home in Aspen, Colorado.前一阵子,他消失在世人的视野之外,引发坊间各种传言,称他躲进了自己位于美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭(Aspen)宫殿般的宅第里。

9.the glow of the palatial doors was still in her eye , the roll of cushioned carriages still in her ears.她眼前仿佛还看见那些宫殿般的大门在闪光,耳朵里似乎还听到座垫华丽的马车从身旁辚辚驶过。

10.After the palatial resort in Adams Street, he could not stomach the commonplace saloons which he found advertised.有了在亚当斯街那家华丽的酒店工作的经历,他无法忍受这些登广告的庸俗酒馆。