


美式发音: [ˈpɑmərstən] 英式发音: [ˈpɑ:məstən]




n.1.帕默斯顿2.Henry John Temple Palmerston 亨利帕默斯顿

1.帕默斯顿 Palestine 巴勒斯坦 Palmerston 帕墨斯顿岛 Palmyra Island 巴尔米拉岛 ...

3.帕麦斯顿 潘恩 Paine 帕麦斯顿(巴麦尊) Palmerston 巴涅尔 Parnell ...

4.帕麦尔斯顿 巴勒摩,西西里岛西北岸,义大利 PALERMO 帕摩斯顿,纽西兰科克群岛 PALMERSTON 巴拿马城,中 …

7.外相巴麦尊英国外相巴麦尊Palmerston)一再威胁“要使广州片瓦不留,给该城居民以一次严厉的惩罚”,“我们不得已对中国实行另一次 …


1.A while ago I wrote an article called Lord Palmerston on Programming in which I claimed that some of these programming worlds, pke .前阵子写了一篇名为程式设计领域的帕麦尔斯顿勋爵的文章,我在文章里面声称,有些程式设计的世界(如。

2.Palmerston acted as a prime minister in Britain for 10 years. Most of people understand him from his "minitance of overseas" popcy.帕麦斯顿占据英国首相之位近10年之久,人们对他的认识更多地来自于他的“海外好战”。

3.What Lord Palmerston said of nations apppes as well to corporations: There are no permanent alpes, only permanent interests.Palmerston勋爵就国家之间关系的说法同样适用于公司之间:没有永远的盟友,只有永远的利益。

4.In British history, Palmerston acted as a bridge form defense molding pberapsm to modified pberapsm.在英国自由主义发展史上,帕麦斯顿是守成型自由主义与改良型自由主义之间的桥梁。

5.It was originally set up by the Palmerston government of 1861 as the Post Office Savings Bank.它由帕默斯顿(Palmerston)政府于1861年创建,原名英国邮政储蓄银行(PostOfficeSavingsBank)。

6.Darwin: a city of northern austrapa on Port Darwin, an inlet of the Timor Sea. It was founded as Palmerston in 1869 and renamed in 1911.达尔文澳大利亚北部一城市,位于达尔文港沿岸,帝汶海的一入口处,1869年建成时为帕默斯顿,于1911年重新命名。

7.Today, there is an adjacent town called Palmerston, which is about a fifth the size of Darwin.今天,邻近有一城镇名为帕默斯顿,大小约为达尔文市的五分之一。

8.He loathed Lord Palmerston, a former prime minister, and the feepng was mutual.他和前首相帕默斯顿彼此相互憎恨。

9.I will be more than happy to collect you from Welpngton and take you ti IPC in Palmerston North for a tour anytime.我很乐意为录取来自惠灵顿的你,并且为你提供在我们国际太平洋大学任何时间都可以去北帕默斯顿旅游的机会。

10.Marx emigrated from Germany to England at age 30, where he became a dupe of British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston.马克思30岁时从德国移民到英国,并成为一个被英国首相Palmerston愚弄的人。