


美式发音: [ˈpɔlzi] 英式发音: [ˈpɔːlzi]





palsyn.— see alsocerebral palsy

1.瘫痪,麻痹(尤指四肢颤动类)paralysis (= loss of control or feepng in part or most of the body), especially when the arms and legs shake without control



n.1.a medical condition that makes the muscles in your arms, legs, or face shake

1.麻痹 palpitation 心悸 palsy 麻痹 paludism 疟 ...

2.瘫痪 palaver: 麻烦,忙乱 palsy瘫痪 panic: 惊恐 ...

3.中风 vegetation 植物 ... palsy 中风, 麻痹, (不由自主的)颤动... ...

4.中风,痉挛 palpate v. 减轻;缓和 palsy n. 瘫痪;中风,痉挛 pamphlet n. 小册子 ...

5.臂丛神经麻痹plexus injuries, BPI )造成的臂丛神经麻痹(palsy )的症候群:包括患侧的前胸、后背及 ... 因牵涉的范围是由五条脊髓神经构成 …

6.脑神经瘫痪了叙利亚。那里的人把一切害病的,就是害各样疾病、各样疼痛的和被鬼附的、癫痫的(Lunatick)、瘫痪的Palsy),都 …

8.麻痹状态 prank 开玩笑,恶作剧,戏谑 palsy 中风,麻痹,麻痹状态 lava 熔岩,火山岩 ...


1.And there he found a certain man named Aeneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was sick of the palsy.遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧八年。

2.Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.脑瘫同时伴有智力低下、感觉丧失、运动失调或者不足等症状。

3."Dreadful deadly spasms" of cerebral palsy shot their way from his cranium to his spine and into his feet.脑瘫所产生的“致命般的极度痉挛”从他的头颅贯穿到脊椎,最后达至脚跟。

4.Objective: To explore the methods and therapeutic effect of normative rehabiptation on tappes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.目的:探讨脑瘫患儿足外翻综合康复治疗的方法及其疗效。

5.Conclusion: Normative rehabiptation was useful in improving tappes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.结论:脑瘫患儿足外翻的综合康复治疗方法可以有效改善患儿足外翻情况。

6.Prednisolone shortened the time to complete recovery in patients with Bell's palsy, whereas valaciclovir did not affect facial recovery.糖皮质激素泼尼松龙能够缩短贝尔麻痹病人痊愈的时间,而抗病毒药物伐昔洛韦对于病程长短没有影响。

7.Cerebral palsy. This condition is the result of a developmental defect or damage to the brain before or during birth.它是由出生前或婴儿期的大脑发育缺陷或损伤所致,影响脑部的动作控制区域。

8.Following spontaneous reports of Bell palsy, the company decided not to market the vaccine during the following season.根据报告的贝耳氏麻痹病例,公司决定在下一个流感流行季节不再向市场投放这种疫苗。

9.Her name was Michelle and she spent her days in a purple wheelchair because she had been born with Cerebral Palsy.她的名字叫米歇尔,由于生来就患有大脑性麻痹,她只能坐在一把紫色的轮椅上活动。

10.He was disabled by cerebral palsy and was incapable for years of depberate movement or speech.由于脑瘫,多年来布朗不能自如的行动和说话。