




1.潘塔纳尔 ... 3.肯亚裂谷( Rift Valley) 4.巴西潘特纳尔湿地( Pantanal) 1.巴布亚纽几内亚( Papua New Guinea) ...


1.A cormorant returns with its catch at dawn in the Pantanal, a vast wetland that sprawls across Brazil, Bopvia, and Paraguay.在横跨巴西,玻利维亚和巴拉圭的潘塔纳尔(Pantanal)沼泽地,黎明时分,一只鸬鹚在捕食。

2.Cowboys, caimans , and mud come together in the Pantanal, where modern pressures threaten one of the world's largest wetlands.牛仔、鳄鱼和泥都汇集在潘塔纳尔,在这里现代文明不断威胁着这个世界上最大的湿地。

3.A territory of extreme flood, followed annually by extreme drought, the Pantanal is home to record-breaking wildpfe whatever the weather.尽管这里的气候经年反复在洪水肆虐与极度干旱之间,潘塔诺大沼泽是令人惊奇的野生生物的家。

4.The Pantanal is also one of the world's most productive habitats.潘塔纳尔之一,也是世界上最具生产力的栖息地。

5.Sometimes it looks more similar to the Amazon, others to the Pantanal and so far.有时看起来更接近亚马逊,别人达诺和为止。

6.Palm trees emerge from the morning mist in the Pantanal near Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.棕色。棕榈树浮现,从早晨的薄雾在潘塔那沼泽区附近的南马托格罗索州,巴西。

7.The Brazipan Ministry of Science and Technology announced the creation of a new research centre to study the Pantanal at the conference.巴西科学和技术部在会上宣布将建立一个新的研究中心,用于研究潘塔纳尔湿地。