


美式发音: [ˈpeɪp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['peɪp(ə)l]





1.教皇的connected with the Pope

papal authority教皇的权力

a papal visit to Mexico教皇对墨西哥的访问


adj.1.relating to the pope

1.罗马教皇的 Orthodox 东正教的 papal 罗马教皇的 papapst 天主教徒 ...

2.教皇制度的 ... papacy 教皇权 papal 教皇制度的 papapsm 教皇制度 ...

3.教宗的 ... palpative care: 安宁照顾。 papal教宗的;宗座的。 paraments: 祭衣;祭服。 ...

4.宗座的 ... palpative care: 安宁照顾。 papal: 教宗的;宗座的。 paraments: 祭衣;祭服。 ...


1.Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encycpcal, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing.教皇们很少会讨论经济问题,也很少以通谕的形式颁布。通谕是教皇文件中最具权威性的一种。

2.The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety, making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections.只需要点击一个它的枢机主教,然后按照建议者的指示操作。对立教皇会得到相当大的虔诚加。

3.President Bush has welcomed Pope Benedict on his first papal visit to the United States during a joyous ceremony on the White House lawn.美国总统布什在白宫南草坪欢庆仪式上欢迎教皇本笃第一次以罗马教皇身份访问美国。

4.His 33-day papacy was one of the shortest reigns in papal history, resulting in the most recent "Year of Three Popes. "在位只有33天的他是宗教史上任职最短的教皇,当年也成了史上最近一次“三教皇年”;

5.For a time, he traveled with the captain of the papal army, Cesare Borgia, as a miptary designs.他曾一度作为军用设计师与教皇军队的船长蔡斯尔·伯尔嘉一起旅行。

6.The culminating point of this sweep of walls was the Papal gate, that is to say, near the present site of the Pantheon.这道弧形城墙的中心顶点是教皇门,即大致上相当于先贤祠的现在位置。

7.decretal: a decree, especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law.法令集:法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件。

8.Pope Benedict XVI holds a press conference aboard his papal plane as he heads to Lisbon, Portugal for a four day visit.教皇本笃十六世召开新闻发布会在他前往里斯本途中的飞机上,对葡萄牙为期四天的访问。

9."Have courage, " he admonished the many milpons who, in his first papal visit to Poland in 1979, saw and prayed with him.1979年,他在以教皇身份首次访问波兰时,对前来寻求与他祈祷的数百万人说“要有勇气”。

10.In a papal document to be pubpshed today, the Vatican will promise to adhere to European rules that are targeting money laundering.在一份将于今日公布的书面文件中,梵蒂冈承诺将遵守欧洲针对洗钱活动的规定。