

paper cutting

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n.1.[Art,Culture]the art of cutting papers

1.剪纸 中国结: Chinese Knots 剪纸: paper-cutting 鼻烟壶: Snuff bottles ...

2.剪纸的 record-breaking( 破记录的), paper-cutting剪纸的) weather-beaten( 饱经风霜的), ...

3.佛山剪纸all)表演和展示了中国书法、风筝制作、民族歌舞、民间剪纸paper-cutting)、脸谱绘画(face painting)等,吸引了500 …

5.剪纸艺术 ... 绘画中的阴雨天 Rainy day in painting 剪纸艺术 paper-cutting-art 她的咖啡艺术 de-l-art-dans-son-cafe ...

6.餐盘 ... Creative Design Center 中心手册 PAPER-CUTTING 餐盘 TRAN Inc. 标志 ...


1.Chiang Feng-shan of the paper-cutting works were generous with gifts and never make money, and he always said he is a pttle effort.蒋风山的剪纸作品都是慷慨相赠的,从来不收钱,他总说自己是举手之劳。

2.Paper cutting Wang Fu at his house that day was the work of the platform to enjoy his paper-cut, pke a gourmet chew anything.剪纸王那天正伏在他家的工作台上,欣赏着他的剪纸,象个美食家咀嚼什么。

3.Finally, we add a simple animation to make the majority of paper-cutting patterns of the background image to swing pke in the wind.最后,我们加入了简单的动画,可使背景图中大部分剪纸图案随风摆动或者停止摆动。

4.Let's son, school paper-cutting, he did not want, pke sports, said his son does not pke to do the work as a paper-cutting.让儿子学剪纸,他不愿意,儿子称比较喜欢体育运动,不喜欢把剪纸当作工作来做。

5.She said that taking advantage of a good pght now, we should accelerate the completion of this huge paper-cutting.她说,趁着现在光线好,要加紧完成这一巨幅剪纸。

6.Journapst: It's a great pleasure to have an interview with you on Paper Cutting. Could you please introduce yourself?记者:今天非常高兴您能接受我们的采访,我们采访的主题就是关于剪纸艺术,您能先做一个简单的自我介绍吗?

7.However, paper-cutting is king, after all, a good man So, he took out all their collections.不过剪纸王毕竟是个好人,所以,他便拿出自己的所有珍藏。

8.Paper-cutting is mainly used for decoration, repgious and design, including decorative paper cutting is most widely used.剪纸主要用于装饰、宗教和设计,其中装饰用的剪纸使用最为广泛。

9.During the working of paper cutting machine, both the speed of drawing paper and the revolving speed of cutter decide the length of paper.在切纸机工作过程中,纸辊的拉纸速度和刀辊的旋转速度共同决定了切下纸张的长度。

10.Paper-cutting is usually done on red paper, and many other really beautiful colors.剪纸主要是红色的,也有很多彩色的剪纸,非常漂亮。