


美式发音: [ˈpæpjuə] 英式发音: [ˈpæpjuə]





1.巴布亚 ... 新几内亚土着 boong 新几内亚岛 Papua 新出现 emerging ...

7.新几内亚西部 兴都古庙 Candi 新几内亚西部 Papua 龙目岛 Lombok ...

8.巴布亚新 ... New Zealand 新.. Papua 巴布亚新.. Estonia 爱沙尼.. ...


1.Indonesia has become a democracy but in Papua the army still seems to function as a state within the state.印尼已经是一个民主社会了,但在巴布亚,政府军仍然是无法无天地胡作非为。

2.Such happy and peace was no longer kept until Bill was sent to Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea for a year to work in a government office.直到比尔被派到巴布亚新几内亚的莫尔斯比港为政府机关工作一年时,这种幸福祥和的日子终于到头了。

3."Such a decpne is pkely to be widespread as the species is under similar pressures elsewhere in Papua New Guinea, " she added.“这种数量的下降很可能是广泛存在的,因为这一物种在巴布亚新几内亚的其它地区也面临着类似的生存压力,”她补充说。

4.Last Monday, thousands of workers began a week-long strike on Monday at the Grasberg mine in Indonesia's Papua province.上周一,上千名员工于周一在印尼巴布亚省的格拉斯伯格矿山开始长达一周的罢工。

5.Oh, it did not take place in Africa, a Middle East country or a hidden tribe in Papua New Guinea, but Malaysia.这不是非洲,这不是中东,这不是巴布亚新几内亚深山老林里的原始部落,这是马来西亚。

6.Flying can be hazardous anywhere in Indonesia, and the same is at least as true of Papua.在印尼的任何地方乘坐飞机都是一件冒险的事,这一点至少在巴布亚没有疑问。

7.The bat, along with an orange spider and a yellow-spotted frog are among a host of new species found in a region of Papua New Guinea.蝙蝠、橙色的蜘蛛和黄色斑点的青蛙是巴布亚新几内亚地区发现的一大批新物种中的几种。

8.Betel Nut, Papua New Guinea. The Areca nut is chewed with the Betel leaf to produce a mild stimulant. Side effects include red teeth.产自新几内亚的巴布亚岛,槟榔的果实和槟椰子的叶子放在一起嚼,产生轻微的镇定作用。副作用是导致牙齿变红。

9.Life in Color: Yellow Red tears of sweat stream down the yellow-painted face of a Hup wigman in Papua New Guinea.生活在色彩之内:黄色。红色的眼泪和汗水流到黄色――涂料的面部的一位巴布亚新几内亚的Hupwigman。

10.And in Papua New Guinea, they were making stone axes until two decades ago, just as a course of practical matters.而在巴布亚新几亚,他们做石斧直到二十年前,好象它还是件实用的东西。