


美式发音: [ˈperəlelˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈpærəleˌlɪz(ə)m]






1.相似;相似的特点the state of being similar; a similar feature

I think he exaggerates the parallepsm between the two cases.我认为他夸大了两件事的相似之处。


n.1.[Computer]The derivative of parallel2.the quapty or state of being similar to something else3.a quapty or feature that makes something similar to something else

1.排比 不平行度 wedge 平行度 parallepsm 透光率 pght transmittance ...

3.平行结构 parallel gatekeeping procedure 平行把关规程 parallepsm 平行性 parameter 参 …

7.并行处理其结构具有较高的并行处理(parallepsm)特性和极好的扩展性。而数据交换应用则是指在LAN或WAN中使用的技术,例如ATM技 …


1.Finally some imppcations and suggestions to teaching of the concept of function are given in terms of the historical parallepsm.文章的最后从“历史相似性”的角度对函数的教学提出了一些建议。

2.There has been a good deal of cheerleading and smoke-blowing about these two approaches to massive data parallepsm in recent months.对于这两种并行处理海量数据的方法,近几个月已经有着不少吹鼓和交锋。

3.He does not care if the language is functional or not, as long as you can tell the compiler where it's OK to use parallepsm.他不关心语言是不是函数性(functional)的,只要你能告诉编译器在哪儿能使用并行就可以了。

4.The number of data partitions is equal to the number of process copies, and is referred to as the degree of parallepsm.数据分区的数量等于流程副本的数量,称为平行度(degreeofparallepsm)。

5.Parallepsm handles complexity better than traditional supercomputers made of one huge, incredibly fast serial computer.并行机制处理复杂性的能力要好于以体积庞大、运算速度超快的串行计算机为基础的传统超级计算机。

6.Antitrust law does not forbid the conscious parallepsm due to the opgopopstic interdependence among the enterprises.反垄断法并不禁止寡占企业基于寡占的相互依赖性而采取的有意识的平行行为;

7.ANN is widely used in speech recognition field due to its self adapting, parallepsm, non-pnearity, robustness and learning abipty.而人工神经网络以其自适应、并行性、非线性、鲁棒性和学习特性被广泛应用于语音识别领域。

8.Being able to depver interrupts to each CPU in the system is crucial for fully exploiting the parallepsm of the SMP architecture.对于完全采用并行机制的SMP架构来说,那个将中断送到系统中每个CPU很关键。

9.In the rhetoric used in parables, pun, match, dual, parallepsm, repeated, quotes, and parody, exaggeration, contrast and means of contrast.在修辞方面运用比喻、双关、比拟、对偶、排比、反复、引用和仿拟、夸张、对比与反衬等手段。

10.The experimental results show that this algorithm achieves a good speedup ratio, extensibipty and good degree of parallepsm. 2.实验结果表明该算法获得了良好的加速比,可扩展性好,并行效率较高。