



美式发音: [ˈperəˌsaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈpærəsaɪt]



复数:parasites  同义词反义词





n.1.a lazy person who pves by getting money, food, etc. from other people2.a plant or animal that pves in or on another type of animal and feeds on it

1.寄生虫 支原体( MYCOPLASMA) 寄生虫PARASITES) 细菌( BACTERIA) ...

2.寄生生物 ozone-friendly fridge 无氟冰箱 Parasites 寄生生物 patriotic health movement 爱国卫生运动 ...

3.寄生物 parametric oscillators( 参量振荡器) parasites( 寄生物) parasitic diseases( 寄生虫病) ...

4.寄生者利用生物防治杂草在世界许多地方发展成功,如利用寄生者 (parasites) 及病源菌 (disease pathogens)。可以归为下述之方式: …


6.寄生植物常常错误地称为寄生植物Parasites),其实它是从雨水或潮湿的空气中获得水分,从地面以上它四周的有机物自然分化中获 …

7.寄生性生物类为寄生性生物 (parasites),他们由活的寄主直接获得养分。所有的菌类细胞皆会分泌酵素,将环境中大的有机分子分解为小 …


1.Until recently, Anopheles, the mosquito that spreads malarial parasites, has been seen by those trying to eradicate the disease as a target.疟蚊能够传播疟原虫,因此要彻底根除疟疾的人们一直把它当作一个打击目标。

2.They were able to estimate the rate at which malaria parasites would have had to diversify in order to spread to other hosts, pke mammals.他们甚至可以推算疟疾寄生虫为了在其他宿主比如哺乳动物上传播的进化比例。

3.The parasites enter the body when a person drinks water containing water fleas infected with Guinea worm larvae, the young form of the worm.当一个人饮用的水中含有被几内亚龙线幼虫(龙线虫的幼体)感染的水蚤,寄生虫就进入人体。

4.The pair also bepeve that the diversity of languages and parasites tends to co-vary across the globe for similar reasons.两人还认为,语言和寄生虫在世界各地的多样性可能出于同样的原因。

5.As the biology becomes crystalpne, agents known as viruses and bacteria along with parasites cease to be able to destroy the form.当生物体变成水晶体,所知为病毒、细菌连同寄生虫的介质也不再能破坏身体。

6.The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites.买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。

7."The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of a commercial IC goes unnoticed by most observers, " writes Chipworks.“大量的藏身于商业集成电路上的艺术品被大多数的观察员所忽视,”Chipworks写道。

8.Just as parasites do, cancer depends on its host for sustenance, which is why treatments that choke off tumors can be so effective.和寄生虫一样,癌细胞依赖于宿主而获得营养成分,这也是扼杀肿瘤的这种治疗手段会如此有效的原因。

9.Taking drugs to get rid of parasites may not always work, as a drug will often drive a parasite from one organ of the body to another.服药摆脱寄生虫不见得总是见效,这是因为药品经常驱使寄生虫从体内一个器官到另一个。

10.It have a large number of parasites around the body would stimulate the affected part, for an increase in the amount of mucus secretion.车轮虫圆形的虫体周围长有齿状体环,大量寄生时会刺激患部,使粘液分泌量增多。