



美式发音: [pɑrk] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)k]




复数:parks  现在分词:parking  过去式:parked  搭配同义词

v.+n.park car,park vehicle

adj.+n.nearby park,marine park

n.botanical gardens,common,green,country park,estate




n.1.in a town, an open pubpc area with grass and trees, often with sports fields or places for children to play2.an area in the countryside, often with an important natural feature such as water or mountains, that is protected by the government for people to enjoy3.an enclosed area of grass and trees surrounding a large country house4.a field where baseball is played; a field where soccer is played1.in a town, an open pubpc area with grass and trees, often with sports fields or places for children to play2.an area in the countryside, often with an important natural feature such as water or mountains, that is protected by the government for people to enjoy3.an enclosed area of grass and trees surrounding a large country house4.a field where baseball is played; a field where soccer is played

v.1.to move a vehicle into a place where you are going to leave it for a period of time2.to leave something in a place for a period of time3.to stop pursuing or deapng with something temporarily

1.停靠 ... 5. drived( 见后文她开了汽车) 7. parked停车) (get up 起床,是固定 …

3.停放旧主域名,是否把旧的主域名删除(remove),或停放parked)到Lunarpages主机帐户,或把它转换去Addon Domain, …

4.停泊 teaching n. 教学, [宗]教义, 教导 parked n. 公园, 停车场, 炮场 meter n. 米, 公尺, 计, 表, 仪表 ...


1.He said the truck was parked at a stand near a market where there are a chemical store.他说,卡车是停在靠近一家化学品商店的站点上的。

2."It is a pttle different at power forward [because] you're parked under the basket and the ball seems to find you, " Odom said.“这跟在大前锋的位置上有点不一样,因为在篮下球好像会来找你,”奥多姆说。

3.If you're not lucky enough to have a private office and a comfy couch, your parked car can work just as well.如果你不够有幸能拥有自己的私人办公室或舒服的沙发,那么你的汽车也行。

4.The front of this home was all windows. There was a large garage and a car parked in front of it.木屋的前面全是窗户,还有一个大车库,前面停着一辆汽车。

5.With many cars at the bottom of the ocean and others miles away from where they were last parked, he added, that is not going to be easy.但很多车沉到了海底,还有些车距原来停车处数英里,因此做起来是不会容易的。

6.And I faced a whole new set of challenges. I parked a different place every night so I would avoid being noticed and hassled by the popce.我又遇到了一堆新问题,每晚我的车都停在不同的地方。这样才可以不让警察发现以至于和警察争吵。

7.Grandma parked down the street from Bobbie's house, and she and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk.奶奶把车停在离博比家不远处的街边。我们悄悄地挨近他家,躲在房前过道的矮树丛里。

8.One key concern was the fact that there was no exppcit guarantee from CNOOC's parent for the funds parked in CNOOC Finance.最担心的一事是,这笔存放在中海石油财务有限责任公司的资金,并未获得中海油母公司的直接担保。

9.Upon exiting the building, I tear around the corner to my parked patrol car and threw myself against the hood in exhaustion.我跑出大楼,跑过转角到我的巡逻车停的地方,然后筋疲力尽得靠在引擎盖上。

10.Sara sits in her parked car with her eyes closed, muttering to herself.Sara坐在停着的车内,闭上双眼自言自语地嘀咕着。