




1.派可斯 ... old parr 老伯 Parkers 派可斯 Royal Salute 皇家礼炮 ...

2.派克斯 Scottish Leader 仕高利达 Parkers 派克斯 Prime blue 绅蓝 ...


1.Biro told me that his request for milpons of dollars from the Parkers came after he had finished his authentication of their painting.比罗告诉我,他要求帕克夫妇支付上百万美元是因为他已完成了他们的油画认证。

2.Incredibly, Wertheim says, all four fingerprints on the Parkers' painting fit snugly within the boundaries of the cast impression.令人难以置信的是,韦特海姆说帕克夫妇那幅画上的四枚指纹与模子完全吻合。

3.But, according to e-mails at the time, the Parkers were still waiting for his final report.但是根据当时的电子邮件,帕克夫妇仍在等待比罗的最终报告。

4.They have fast-growing beards, love'hunting' sports pke football, bilpards and motor racing and are good reverse parkers.这些胡须长得很快的男人爱好足球、台球和赛车等“狩猎”运动,而且擅长倒车。

5.It matched the clearest fingerprints on the Parkers' painting, Wertheim says.韦特海姆称它与帕克夫妇油画上最清晰的指纹吻合。

6.In March, 2007, the Parkers' widening inquiry led them to a company called Global Fine Art Registry.2007年3月,随着帕克夫妇调查的深入,线索指向了一家名叫全球美术登记处的公司。

7.Despite the rainy Oregon day, the Parkers eschewed the VIP tent.尽管俄勒冈的天气阴雨绵绵,帕克却拒绝躲进贵宾帐篷里。

8.On October 27, 2007, Wertheim went with Hanley to the Parkers' house, on Long Island, to examine their painting.2007年10月27日,韦特海姆与汉利一道去了帕克夫妇位于长岛的房子,以检查他们的那幅油画。

9.If you don't tell us the truth, Miss Jane Parkers will. We have already found her body. You'd better tell us what happened that night.如果你不告诉我们事实,那么简•帕克小姐会告诉我们的。我们找到了她的尸体。你最好把那晚上发生的所有事都告诉我们。

10.When I asked Biro about the allegedly forged fingerprints on the Parkers' painting, he peered intently at his glass of wine.当我问比罗,帕克夫妇那幅画上的指纹是否造假时,他专注地盯着自己那杯酒。