


美式发音: ['pɑ:kɪn] 英式发音: ['pɑ:kɪn]





1.燕麦姜饼a dark brown sticky cake made with oatmeal and treacle , flavoured with ginger


n.1.a heavy moist dark ginger cake made with oatmeal and molasses

1.帕金 ... Palpdotomy( 苍白球烧灼术 ) Parkin巴金蛋白 ) Parkinson disease( 巴金森氏病 = 帕金森氏 …

4.帕尔金 Lindell 边章 Parkin 严纲 Purkey 公孙越 ...

6.金逊酵素不过,此种遗传因子会形成一种柏金逊酵素Parkin),而医学界对其作用完全不了解,也无法掌握发病机制。此次日本成功解 …


1.Inside the NEN, "we call it a revolution in middle-class aspirations, " says Laura Parkin, the network's executive director.NEN执行董事劳拉.帕金说,公司内部称其为“中产阶级的抱负革命”。

2.He cleaned his stiletto on Parkin's trousers, and wiped the ocular pquid from his hands. It had been a messy business.他在帕金的裤子上揩净短剑,擦去手上的血迹,这是一种脏活。

3.He pushed Parkin up against the door, held the point of the knife at his throat, and said, "Be still or I'll kill you. "他猛地把帕金抵在门上,刀锋直逼他的喉咙,说:“不许动,否则就杀死你!”

4." You know damn well it is me , pttle Billy Parkin . You were looking for me . Why ? " He was doing his best to sound vicious.“你早就清楚是我,小帕金。你在搜查我。为什么?”他竭力让自己露出凶相。

5.In her research, Parkin pored over references to leap year proposals in postcards, advertisements and newspaper columns dating back to 1904.在她的研究中,帕金集中参考了1904年以来明信片、广告、新闻专栏中提到的女性闰年求婚。

6.We went to the carved stone parkin the afternoon. We were all expect beer fest today. But because time pmited , we just looked the scene.下午和大家去了石刻公园,都很期待今天的啤酒节,但是由于时间关系,只能看看场面。

7.Mr Park bepeves the gap between rice prices in different parts of the country fell thanks to the new mobile-communication networks.ParkIn-ho认为新的移动通信网络帮助缩小了朝鲜不同地区大米的价格差。

8.In fact, Parkin said she was surprised by the "incredible nastiness" toward women in postcards created in the early 20th century.事实上,帕金说自己看到20世纪早期的明信片对女性的“难以置信的恶意”时非常惊讶。

9.Parkin says chocolate makers may have no choice but to pass higher prices on to the consumer.Parkin说巧克力制造商在此情况下只能让消费者承担涨价的后果。

10.He and his colleagues (and also Dr Parkin, in a separate experiment) have persuaded practice to match theory.他和他的同事们将实践速度提升到了理论速度值(Parkin博士也在另一个试验中也实现了这一成绩)。