




1.帕玛拉特 百乐可 Balocco 帕玛拉特圣涛 Parmalat 彩虹 Arcenciel ...

6.帕马拉特公司但是被足球界第一次震惊就是2003年该队的原赞助商帕尔玛拉特Parmalat)集团因涉嫌金融违规而面临破产案,从此球队 …


1.The four banks were accused in the trial of trying to mislead investors about Parmalat's situation.审判中,这四家银行被指控在帕玛拉特事件中误导投资者。

2.Backed by a government decree, Parmalat delayed its shareholder meeting to win more time to fight Lactaps, which had amassed a 29% stake.在政府法令的支持下,帕玛拉特推迟了股东大会,这为与Lactaps争斗赢得了时间,拉克塔利斯已经积累了29%的股份。

3.Even though Parmalat had a pile of cash from legal settlements with banks and auditors, he failed to make acquisitions.尽管帕玛拉特通过和银行和审计机构的资产协议获得一笔不菲的现金,但他仍没有进行收购。

4.Parmalat: how was the deception maintained for so long?帕玛拉特:骗局为何能瞒这么久?

5.Mr Del Soldato did reiterate that Parmalat had no financial connections with the Tanzi family's faipng tourism group.德尔索尔达托先生的确重申,帕玛拉特与坦济家族旗下运营失败的旅行社之间没有财务关联。

6.It is, therefore, far from clear that laws passed hurriedly to "fix" an Enron or a Parmalat crisis are a good idea.因此,很难说为“修复”安然或帕玛拉特危机而仓促通过一系列法律是否是个好主意。

7.The city, which contains such multinational companies as Wal-Mart (WMT) and Parmalat, suffers problems with poverty and crime.该市既有像沃尔玛和帕尔玛拉这样的跨国公司进驻,也有贫穷和犯罪引发的问题。

8.Scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and now Parmalat have shaken the business world and prompted new laws and regulations.安然、世通、泰科以及现今的帕玛拉特丑闻震惊了工商界,并推动了新法规条例的出台。

9.A court in Milan cleared Bank of America, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley on charges related to the collapse of Parmalat.米兰的一所法院指控美洲银行,花旗银行,德意志银行和摩根斯坦利银行与帕玛拉特破产有牵连。