


美式发音: [pərˈtɪkjələrp] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈtɪkjʊlə(r)p]




adv.+adj.particularly interested,particularly concerned

adv.+v.particularly remember

adv.chiefly,mainly,above all,predominantly,mostly



1.特别;尤其especially; more than usual or more than others

particularly good/important/useful特别好╱重要╱有用

Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre.交通状况很差,尤其是在市中心。

I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half.我很欣赏那部剧,特别是下半段。

The lecture was not particularly(= not very) interesting.讲座并不特别精彩。

‘Did you enjoy it?’ ‘No, not particularly(= not very much) .’“你玩得开心吗?”“不很开心。”


adv.1.very, or very mucstrong网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that something refers especially to one specific person, thing, or situation3.in a clear and specific way

1.尤其 过失,罪过〖 mistake〗 尤其,更加〖 particularly〗 尤 yóu ...

2.特别 287 cake n. 蛋糕 288 particularly ad. 特别,尤其 289 collector n. 收集家,收税员 搜集者 ...

3.特别地 panic n. 恐慌, 慌乱 particularly ad. 特别地, 尤其 payment n. 偿付的钱 ...

4.特别是 tobacco = 烟草; particularly = 特别是; cigarette = 卷烟; ...

5.格外 particular a. 特定的,特别的 particularly ad. 特别,格外,尤其 partition 分区 ...

6.特别,尤其 particle n. 微粒 502. particularly ad. 特别,尤其 503. respond vi. 回答,答复;反应 504. ...

7.特别的 possible—possibly 可能的 3. particular—particularly 特别的 5. 19. assistant 助手 20. ...

8.尤其是 ... 表示“真正的” really 强调“特别,尤其是particularly 强调“绝对的” absolutely ...


1.With a small number of exceptions, the early years of the 16th century are not particularly notable.少数的例外,最初几年的16世纪是不是特别显着。

2.MJ was particularly excited about the "illusion" that was to be performed the next day.乔丹是特别兴奋的“幻觉”,第二天进行。

3.This was particularly effective in second- and third-tier cities where our factories tend to be among the most attractive places to work.这在二三线城市特别有效,在这些地方,我们的工厂往往是最有吸引力的工作单位之一。

4.The main destination of this vacation was the Coted'Azur in France, but it was a bit far to drive on one day, particularly with a baby.我们此行的主要目的地是法国的“蓝色海岸”,但要是自驾车一天内到达,实在有些远,尤其是我们还带着宝宝。

5.To see the point in a particularly absurd context, consider a favorite story of mine that makes the same point.将这一观点放到一个特别荒谬的环境中来,我们看一下我最喜爱的一个故事,它也说明了这一点。

6.I particularly pke to hold the back of her neck and then gently stroke her cheek with my thumb. . . while looking into her eyes.我特别喜欢握着她脖子的后面然后用大拇指抚摸她的脸颊,同时注视着她的眼睛。

7.There have been two moments in the last 40 years when pfe might have improved for ordinary Afghans, particularly women.在过去的40年时间里,阿富汗的老百姓本来是有两次机会可以让自己的生活状况得到改善的,特别是阿富汗的妇女们。

8.She refused to talk for this article, but there may be reason for that: she has one audience she's particularly interested in at the moment.她拒绝谈论那篇文章,这正好可以作为一个解释:当时她仅仅对她的听众抱有浓厚兴趣。

9.If you come across a particularly engaging or well-written post, print it out and go through pne-by-pne to see how it works.如果你遇到一篇特别优秀或者精心编写的文章,那么不要犹豫,将它打印出来并一行一行地看它究竟是怎样写出来的。

10.Particularly in Taiwan, where the rich and the powerful are posing as role models, people have learned that selfishness seems to pay.尤其在台湾这个把富人和掌权人做为榜样的地方,人们已经学会自私自利就像买东西付钱那样天经地义。