


美式发音: [pɑrˈtɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈtɪʃ(ə)n]




复数:partitions  现在分词:partitioning  过去式:partitioned  同义词

v.divide,separate,wall off,fence off,segregate

n.divider,panel,dividing wall,screen,spding doors



1.[c]隔断;隔扇;隔板墙a wall or screen that separates one part of a room from another

a glass partition玻璃隔板

partition walls隔断墙

2.[u]分割;分治;瓜分the division of one country into two or more countries

the partition of Germany after the war战后对德国的分割


1.[oftpass]分割;使分裂to divide sth into parts

to partition a country分割一个国家

The room is partitioned into three sections.这间屋子被隔为三小间。


v.1.把...分成部分,分割,区分,瓜分(土地等)2.(用隔板等)隔开 (off)

n.1.a wall, screen, or piece of glass used to separate one area from another in a room or vehicle2.the process of dividing a country into two or more separate countries

v.1.to divide a room or vehicle with a partition2.to divide a country into two or more separate countries


4.划分 particular a 特别的;各自的 partition n 分开,划分 partisan n 党徒;偏见者 ...

5.隔板 2.4.9 盖板 cover plate 2.4.10 隔板 partition 2.4.11 挡板 barrier ...

6.分区硬盘 partisan 伙伴 partition 瓜分 partly 部分地 ...

8.磁盘分区(1) 磁盘分区(partition):通常把一个物理磁盘的存储空间划分为几个相互独立的部分,称为“分区”。一个分区的参数包括:磁盘 …


1.Part4: The crowd gasped as the partition was taken away and they reapzed that the voice was that of a parrot.分隔物被拿掉的时候人们倒抽了一口冷气,他们发现声音是一只鹦鹉发出来的。

2.A gateway acts as a proxy service, and you can use it to mediate protocols or to denote the interface available to a partition.一个网关充当一个代理服务,你可以使用它来协调协议或者表示一个划分上的可以利用的接口。

3.System does not know of the existence of that partition or device.否则系统是不会知道这个分区或设备的存在的。

4.To say that Partition left Pakistan in an almost untenable position is not to say that it could have been avoided.我说分裂让巴基斯坦陷于难以维系的境地并不是说曾经可以避免这种情况。

5.The simplest consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition.最简单的户型只有一个单间,在角落里有一个洗脸台,厕所在隔墙后面。

6.Partition type codes are handled a bit strangely; some of them are referred to as flags.分区类型的处理方式有一些奇怪:一些分区类型称为flags。

7.Instead, you could partition the text and image columns into a separate table and modify the two tables within a transaction.但可以将text和image列分区到单独的表中,并在一个事务中修改这两个表。

8.Therefore, the file system can be copied if the new partition is at least as big as the old one.因此,只要新分区比原分区大,就能够复制文件系统。

9.At this point that the local system where the hard disk partition at least 100 megabytes of free space above.此时应包管本地编制所在硬盘不合区起码有100兆以上的残存不时间。

10.When more than four partitions are required, as is often the case, one of the primary partitions must instead become an extended partition.如果需要4个以上的主分区(往往需要4个以上的主分区),其中一个主分区就必须以扩展分区的形式出现。