


美式发音: 英式发音: ['pɑːtɒn]






n.1.a postulated elementary particle, proposed as a constituent of neutrons and protons


4.吉开电子-继电器 COTO - 美商镭潽 PARTON 吉开电子-继电器 STON 仕通电机--台湾制造 ...


1.In the following song, singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare with him.在以下几个歌,歌手多莉·帕顿讲述她的新爱她,她的旧恋人旧情,不能和他相比。

2.All along, though, Billy has had the strange sensation that he would someday meet and lay down with Dolly Parton.一直以来比利都有一种莫名的感觉,就是他会在将来某一天遇到多莉并且和她躺在一起。

3.Richard Parton, president of V Entertainment, says that Love Detector is just the tip of the iceberg for this technology.第五娱乐公司总裁理查德?巴顿说,爱情测谎器只是这项技术的冰山一角。

4.He belted out versions of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' and a string of Dolly Parton hits.他演唱了流行天王杰克逊的名曲“战栗者”和多莉·帕顿的许多经典段子。

5.of Popular Music chose Ms. Parton to be included in the Songwriters Hall of Fame.去年,国家流行音乐学会将帕顿女士列入歌曲创作名人纪念馆。

6.Named after country and western singer Dolly Parton, Dolly was created from a cell taken from a mammary gland.多利羊以西部乡村歌手多莉.帕顿的名字命名,它是由一个乳腺细胞造出来的。

7.James Parton's biography of Jackson suggests that is really an illegible O. R. , which was the abbreviation used for Order Recorded.詹姆斯·巴顿所著的杰克逊传记一书中指出,实际上那是字迹潦草的O.R.,是OrderRecorded(定单已记录)的缩写。

8.Dolly Parton grew up poor in the Great Smoky Mountain area of Tennessee.多莉?帕顿生长在田纳西州大烟山地区的一个贫苦家庭里。

9.Five singers meet at a tribute to Dolly Parton and become friends.五名歌手在一次多莉帕顿主题音乐会上成为了朋友。

10.Dolly Parton also re-recorded a famous rock and roll song for Halos and Horns.多莉?帕顿还为专辑《光环与号角》重录了一首著名的摇滚歌曲。