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网络释义:泛美体育组织(Pan American Sports Organization);斗牛;帕索色织棉布



1.泛美体育组织(Pan American Sports Organization) pasac fibre 帕萨克纤维 paso 帕索色织棉布 pass capacitor 旁路电容器 ...

4.帕索棉腰布 部分通经 party drafting 帕索棉腰布(缅甸制) paso 穿经 pass ...

5.巴苏马 ... 克里奥尔马 Criollo 巴苏马 Paso 青可蒂格马/阿萨蒂格马 Chincoteague/Assateague ...

6.拉丁舞宴 ... PASO 拉丁舞宴 Merpon Dancesport Championship 2009 Latin Amateur Samba Open Category 国标舞决赛拉 …


1.Recently, two more have appeared: the Gator (alpgator) Bowl at Jacksonville, Florida, and the Sun Bowl at el Paso, Texas.近来又出现了两种足球赛,那便是:佛罗里达州杰克森维尔城的鳄鱼杯赛和得克萨斯州埃尔帕索城的太阳杯赛。

2.Aguirre immediately packed up his wife and sons and fled to El Paso, where he sought asylum.阿吉雷立刻吩咐妻儿收拾家当,逃至美国的艾尔帕索寻求政治避难。

3.She is hiding in the United States while she awaits a rupng in her asylum case, and agreed to speak with CNN in El Paso, Texas.她目前藏在美国等待法院就她申请的政治避难做出裁决,她同意在德克萨斯的ElPaso与CNN记者交谈。

4.Kinder Morgan will sell off El Paso's exploration and production business to help pay for its purchase.金德摩根将出售埃尔帕索公司的勘探和生产业务,以便承担收购所带来的各项费用。

5.Pretty fair road, clear to Chihuahua, Mexico. It joins up there with the highway out of El Paso and Juarez.河对面有条非常好的道路,一直通到墨西哥的吉花瓦,在那儿衔接从厄尔巴索通往瓦里斯的公路。

6.A ride through the sacred valley of the Inca, from Cusco to Machu Picchu, on a Peruvian Paso is a haunting, spiritual experience.秘鲁的巴苏马带我们从库斯科到马丘比丘印加神圣的山谷旅行,这是强烈的精神体验。

7.In October 2005, he thought there were Iraqis outside his window in El Paso, Texas.2005年10月在德克萨斯州ElPaso,他认为有伊拉克人在他的窗外。

8.The mayor vetoed it, saying that El Paso would be a laughing-stock.市长提出否决,并称埃尔帕索将会因此成为一个笑柄。

9.I will leave the bar and walk up Spring Street to the Greyhound terminal there and buy a bus ticket to El Paso by way of New York City.离开酒吧后,我便走向灰狗巴士站,买一张经由纽约到艾尔帕索的车票。

10.Paso doble majestic music, dance state Haofang, the pace of intrepid exciting, is a soft spot for the reasons for it.斗牛舞音乐雄壮、舞态豪放、步伐强悍振奋,是人们对它情有独钟的原因。