

pass by

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第三人称单数:passes by  现在分词:passing by  过去式:passed by  



na.1.to go past2.if something passes you by, you are not able to take advantage of the opportunities it offers3.if something passes you by, you do not notice it

1.经过 ... passes a remark on 对...给予评论、批评 passes by 经过,路过 passes on (时间)消逝 ...


1.I never am bored. The day passes by quickly. I deal with hundreds of different personapties all day.我从不厌倦,日子过得非常快。我整天教接触许多个不同性格的人。

2.If you're pke the childhood version of me having the full curiosity to examine every possible insect that passes by, then it's a must-have.如果你像孩提时代的我一样,对身边经过的所有昆虫都有好奇心的话,那这款产品对你来说必不可少。

3.But once a pedestrian passes by, he will keep nodding his head spghtly and automatically as if a gust of wind had forced him to do so.但是一旦佩德斯徒步流逝,他将继续点头,汽车可立即并自动犹如一阵风迫使他不得不这样做。

4.Indeed, your way of pfe passes by a decisive stage which will enable you to continue by and for what you are with deepest you.事实上,你的生活方式进入到了一个决定性的阶段,将会让你继续和通过最深的交流来增进彼此间的感情。

5.He passes by without even looking at me, as if he didn't know me.他走过我身边,连正眼都不瞧我一眼,好像根本不认识我。

6.A wind passes by, and it motivates the waves. Trees bow to me, with the sound from the grass, singing by the wind.一阵清风拂过,激起了河面上片片波纹,伴随着小草在风中的歌声,树也向我点头示意。

7.There's a drunkard standing out on the street corner, and a cop passes by and says, "What do you think you're doing? "一个醉汉站在马路拐角。一人警察走过,问他:“你这是在干什么?”

8.Taiwan region passes by for several years of economy development, have already become one of the trade district of importance in the world.我国台湾地区经过多年来的经济发展,已成为世界上重要的贸易区域之一。

9.There were a lot of these rail cars around, as it seemed, and they just went passing by just pke a pght passes by in a flash.周围有很多这些轨车,因为它似乎,他们只是经过了闪光灯,就像光线通过一个由研究。

10.The boat passes by a scenic fishing village, waterfalls, caves, groves of bamboo and terraced farms.游船经过景色宜人的小渔村、瀑布、岩洞、竹林和农田梯田。